2015Civil Cup International Tennis Championships (Announcements)
In order to strengthen the communication of the tennis enthusiasts of Fuzhou University with the tennis lovers both at home and abroad, build good tennis atmosphere in Fuzhou city, promote the dissemination and promotion of tennis in Fuzhou region, and improve the health level and the life quality of tennis enthusiasts, based on the purpose of "Love tennis andLove life", the concept of “Healthy and Happy” and the distinguishing features of “International game, Open game and Grass root game”, the committee of Civil Cup International Tennis Championships (CCITC) organizes the tennis match.The purpose of the game is to enhance friendship, make friends, exchange and improve the tennis skill among the tennis enthusiasts.
The notification of the match is as follows:
Organizer: Tennis association of Fuzhou University; College of civil engineering at Fuzhou University
Undertaker: DI HAO tennis club (QQ group no. : 52489331)
Sponsors: TEFEIKE traffic engineering consulting,Golden eagle media
Friendship sponsor: SHOUSHAN ALLIANCE,Icefish tennis club
Lists of organizing committee: Zhang He-qiu, Lin Jian, Wang Gang, Yang Yan-qun, Ji Tao, Li Yu-lin, Huang Jianhua, Chen Qingxia, Wu Qiang
Chief referee: ZhouJun-yu
Deputy referee: HeLing-wei
Referees: Shi Sheng-hua, Zhao Hui-xin
Type of sports: Men's singles, Mixed doubles and Men's doubles
混双和男双:2015年10月31日(周六) 上午8:00开始(如遇雨天,时间另定)
男单:2015年11月1日(周日) 上午8:00开始(如遇雨天,时间另定)
Match time:Mixed doubles and Men's doubles: Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on October31, 2015 (Saturday) (In case of a rainy day, the match will be delayed)Men's singles : Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on November 1, 2015 (Sunday) (In case of a rainy day, the match will be delayed)
Competition site: Tennis courts of Qi Shan campus (New campus) of Fuzhou University
(1) 比赛采取1盘定胜负,平分无占先;男双比赛,接发方可以选择由谁接发;混双比赛,男发男接,女发女接。
(2) 小组赛采用单循环制,抢6局者胜出,如比分出现6:6,则通过抢7分决定胜负;
(3) 小组赛第一名进入淘汰赛,同样积分的视胜负关系,胜者出线;抢6局者胜出,如比分出现6:6,则通过抢7分决定胜负。
(1) 男双冠军与混双冠军进行的比赛,男双每局让1分,抢7让2分;
(2) 比赛采取1盘定胜负,平分无占先,接发方可以选择由谁接发;
(3) 抢6局者胜出,如比分出现6:6,则通过抢7分决定胜负。
(1) 比赛采取1盘定胜负,平分无占先;
(2) 采用入淘汰赛,抢6局者胜出,如比分出现6:6,则通过抢7分决定胜负;
Rules of the match:
1. Mixed doubles(32 teams, a group including 4 teams)and Men's doubles(24 teams, a group including 3 teams)
(1) Only one set is used to determinewhich teamwill win the match. If the score is 40:40, only another point is needed to determine who will win the game, and no advantage is used. For Men's doubles, the receiving side can determined that which playerwill return the serve. For Mixed doubles, the female receiving side returns the serve of the female player, and the male receiving side returns the serve of the male player.
(2) A single round robin system is applied in Group Stage. The players who win six games will win the match. If the competition score is 6:6, a tiebreak is used to decide who will win the game.
(3) The No.1 of the Group Stage enters a Knockout Stage. If the scores are the same, based on the calculation of won and lost, the winners advance to the Knockout Stage. The players who win six games will win the match. If the competition result is 6:6, a tiebreak is used to decide who will win the game.
2. King’s match-ups
(1) The competition is between the Men’s doubles champion andmixed double champion, where the mixed double champion gets one free point in each game, and two free points in tiebreak.
(2) Only one set is used to determinewhich teamwill win the match. If the score is 40:40, only another point is needed to determine who will win the game, and no advantage is used. The receiving side can determined that which playerwill return the serve.
(3) The players who win six games will win the match. If the competition score is 6:6, a tiebreak is used to decide who will win the game.
3. Man singles(64 players)
(1) Only one set is used to determinewhich teamwill win the match. If the score is 40:40, only another point is needed to determine who will win the game, and no advantage is used.
(2) A Knockout system is applied. The players who win six games will win the match. If the competition score is 6:6, a tiebreak is used to decide who will win the game.
Judgments: The match is based on trust and refereeing decisions. Only the semi-final and final have the referees, and trust system is adopted in other matches.
Attending method: Voluntary application and invitation (Registration is free)
报名方式:采取网络报名的方式。请加入帝豪网球俱部乐的QQ群(群号:52489331),加入该群的请求信息注明:“参加土木杯网球比赛”,在该群的群共享中下载报名表。请按参赛队(男双和混双)的名义填写报名表发至: 860406799 @qq.com(联系人:周骏宇),报名截止时间为2015年10月20日。
Application methods: The method of network application is adopted. Please join the QQ group of DI HAO tennis club (group no. : 52489331). The request information to join the group is "Civil Cup Tennis Match." Download the application form in the Shared File item of the QQ group. Please fill in the forms based on one team (Men’s doubles and mixed doubles), and then send them to: 860406799 @qq.com (Contact person: ZhouJun-yu). The application deadline is October 20, 2015.
Official ball: Teloon POUND
Participants: The men’s singles should be the amateurs whose tennis level should be larger than CTA3.0 (including CTA 3.0), and whose age should not be more than 50 years old (including 50 years old). The men’s doubles and mixed doubles should be the amateurs whose tennis level should be larger than CTA2.5 (including CTA 2.5). The same player can only participate in one of the men’s singles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles. The age of men’s doubles and mixed doubles should not be more than 70 years old.
Budget of the game:
"Civil cup" tennis games havebeen held for four sessions, which always adheres to the principle of free of charge. In order to do a good job in the traditional game, the funds including thegame prize and organization et al. need to be support by the capable individuals and groups.
Announcements:1. The match will strictly comply the amateur sports management specification issued by the tennis sport management center of general administration of sport of China and China tennis association. The latest tennis competition rules and the relevant provisions of the organizing committee are used.2. The organizer is not responsible for the health problems and the injury (e.g., cramps, pulled muscle etc.) of players during the match. Please fully warmed up, and do a good job of self-protection. The players should pay attention to protect their key parts, such as eyes, and buy insurance if needed.3. The players should check in before 8:00, and please get to warm up in advance. The referees should come to the tennis court before 7:45, and communicate with chief referee and deputy referee, and ensure the smooth progress of the match.4. The weather may be hot, and please take protective equipment (e.g., umbrella, sun screams).5. If vehicles are not permitted to enter the campus, please park your cars on the side of the university north road, where there is a door near the tennis court, and walk to the tennis court.
6. The transportation, drinks and lunch of the players and audience should be taken care of themselves (Bring food or go to the surrounding canteens and restaurants). The ONECARD of college town can be used in the canteens of Fuzhou University.7. There are 11 tennis courts in the new campus of Fuzhou University. Welcome everybody to watch and play tennis.8. When the match is ended, every player and the audience please take their water bottles and other garbage away.
Masters gathered, fighting of Sango, and seeing who is champion.


3) 第三轮,上区12组第一 vs 上区34组第一,下区56组第一VS下区78组第一,胜者进入决赛


1) 1-32为上半区,33-64为下半区。
2) 第一轮比赛,单号和双号比,决出32强
3) 第二轮比赛,1-2的胜者和3-4的胜者比赛,依此类推,决出16强。
4) 第三轮比赛,1-4的胜者和5-8的胜者比赛,依此类推,决出8强。
5) 第四轮比赛,第1小组第一名与第2小组第一名比赛,依此类推。
6) 第五轮比赛,第1-2小组第一名与第3-4小组第一名比赛,依此类推。
7) 第六轮比赛,第1-4小组第一名与第5-8小组第一名决赛。
次序 | 场地① | 场地② | 场地③ | 场地④ | 场地⑤ | 场地⑥ | 场地⑦ | 场地⑧ | 场地⑨ | 场地⑩ |
1 | 1 vs 2 | 3 vs 4 | 5 vs 6 | 7 vs 8 | 9 vs 10 | 11 vs 12 | 13 vs 14 | 15 vs 16 | 17 vs 18 | 19 vs 20 |
2 | 21 vs 22 | 23 vs 24 | 25 vs 26 | 27 vs 28 | 29 vs 30 | 31 vs 32 | 33 vs 34 | 35 vs 36 | 37 vs 38 | 39 vs 40 |
3 | 41 vs 42 | 43 vs 44 | 45 vs 46 | 47 vs 48 | 49 vs 50 | 51 vs 52 | 53 vs 54 | 55 vs 56 | 57 vs 58 | 59 vs 60 |
4 | 61 vs 62 | 63 vs 64 | 1-2 vs 3-4 | 5-6 vs 7-8 | 9-10 vs 11-12 | 13-14 vs 15-16 | 17-18 vs 19-20 | 21-22 vs 23-24 | 25-26 vs 27-28 | 29-30 vs 31-32 |
5 | 33-34 vs 35-36 | 37-38 vs 39-40 | 41-42 vs 43-44 | 45-46 vs 47-48 | 49-50 vs 51-52 | 53-54 vs 55-56 | 57-58 vs 59-60 | 61-62 vs 63-64 |
6 | 1-4 vs 5-8 | 9-12 vs 13-16 | 17-20 vs 21-24 | 25-28 vs 29-32 | 33-36 vs 37-40 | 41-44 vs 45-48 | 49-52 vs 53-56 | 57-60 vs 61-64 |
7 | 1-8 vs 9-16 | 17-24 vs 25-32 | 33-40 vs 41-48 | 49-56 vs 57-64 |
8 | 1-16 vs 17-32 | 33-48 vs 49-64 |
9 | 1-32 vs 33-64 |
负责人 | 辛东升 | 杨宇 | 张山 | 曾学鹏 | 林晓溁 | 吴洪文 | 瞿霜 | 张文 | 潘晓鑫 | 徐维 |