

超高性能纤维增强混凝土国际mini-workshop通知 (2015-1-5至9日)

发布:15-01-02 00:00来源:暂无    点击数:

超高性能纤维增强混凝土(UHPFRC)理论研究与工程应用是当今土木工程可持续与创新发展的前沿与热点,也是加拿大28预测 土木工程重要的研究方向之一。依托国家自然科学基金重点项目“超高性能混凝土制备与工程应用基础研究”,定于201515–9日在福州举行超高性能纤维增强混凝土(UHPFRC”mini-workshop。已邀请本领域国内外知名的专家瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院EugenBrühwiler教授、台湾营建研究院院长詹颖雯教授、北京交通大学安明喆教授、武汉理工大学丁庆军教授等参加,研讨会由多场专题报告会和讨论会组成,欢迎大家参加!











Monday, January 5

9:30 – 12:30

Introduce of civil engineering college, Siberc group and NSFC (Baochun Chen)

Introduce of RPC material group (Tao Ji)

Introduce of RPC project (Qingwei Huang)

RPC arch and girder model test (Qingwei Huang)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

14:30 – 16:00

Design and construction with UHPFRC: design principles, required material properties, design examples (Prof Brühwiler Eugen, Topic 1)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

16:00 – 18:30

Discussion on

1)RPC-RC column (Shihao Jiang)

2) RPC shrinkage (Xia Luo)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

Tuesday, January 6

09:30 – 11:00

Improvement of existing bridges using UHPFRC (Prof Brühwiler Eugen, Topic 2)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

11:00 – 12:30

Discussion on

1) RPC tensile test (Xiujiang Shen)

2) RPC column (Yilin Chen)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

Wednesday, January 7

09:00 – 12:30

Fatigue behaviour of UHPFRC, shear strength (Prof Brühwiler Eugen, Topic 3)

presentation by Prof. Yingwen Chan

presentation by Prof. Mingze An (tentative)

presentation by Prof. Qingjun Ding (tentative)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab

14:30 – 17:00

Discussion on

1) RPC mix proportion based on artificial intelligence (Yuanmao Fu)

2) RPC mixed with granite stone powder (Yichun Huang)

Meeting room in the second floor of Structural Engineering Lab



Eugen Brühwiler’s activities as a Professor ofStructural Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) inLausanne, Switzerland, include existing civil structures, in particular bridgesof high cultural value, the fatigue, dynamic and structural behaviour ofbridges as well as Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced cement-basedComposites (UHPFRC) for the rehabilitation and strengthening of bridges andbuildings. This UHPFRC technology is based on 15 years of research and 10 yearsof applications mostly in Switzerland.