


发布:14-08-08 00:00来源:暂无    点击数:

2014226下午,季韬教授和胡昌斌教授与美国韦恩大学(Wayne state university)工程学院(College of engineering)的师生进行了交流。土木与环境系(Civil & environmental department)主任Joseph E. Hummer参加了这个Seminar

吴怀中(Hwai-chung Wu)教授首先向来参加这个Seminar的师生介绍了两位教授的简历。季韬教授介绍了福州的地理位置、历史古迹和风土人情,福州大学在全国的地位、院系设置等;以及加拿大28预测官网 的专业、教职工、学科建设、试验场馆和设备等情况。季韬教授还介绍了自己的研究体系“A Novel System of High Performance Concrete”。胡昌斌教授介绍了中国交通基础设施的发展和挑战,并陈述了自已对中美大学教育和学术研究方面差异的体会。工程学院师生提出了很多问题,与来访的两位教授进行了热烈的讨论。

土木与环境系主任Joseph E. Hummer今年5月份将带10多名学生来福州大学进行海外学习活动,这次Seminar使他较全面地了解福州这座城市和福州大学。他对这次福州之行充满期待。


Civil & Environmental Engineering Seminar

Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Feb 26, 2014, Wednesday
Place: Engineering 2409

1.A Novel System of High Performance Concrete

Prof. Tao Ji

Abstract: A novel system of high performance concrete under development at Fuzhou University will be highlighted and discussed.  The advantages and disadvantages of using raw materials including inorganic cement, lightweight aggregate, sea sand, granite powder, fibers, and seawater et al. will be thoroughly examined. A mix proportion of concrete based on the least paste theory was proposed. Some new ideas about lightweight aggregate concrete, recycled aggregate concrete, ultra-high performance concrete, tunnel fireproof coating, new type of artificial reef were proposed. Autogeneous shrinkage was measured by a in-house equipment, and the cracking behavior of concrete was evaluated by a new device and the method developed by us. The ultimate goal of the work is to make high performance concrete having better cracking, durability, and fireproof behavior.

About the speaker: Dr. Ji is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou University, China.  His specialty is in concrete materials and structures.

2.Progress and Challenge of Transportation Infrastructure in China

Prof. Changbin Hu

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the progress of high-speed train, highway,airport, port, metro city in Fujian province and China. Another focus will be on the challenging highway design issues due to heavy weight traffic, local geography/geology, and climate in Fujian province.  At last,several latest research topics about Transportation Infrastructure in the College of Civil Engineering of Fuzhou University will be discussed.

About the speaker: Dr. Hu is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou University, China.  His specialty is in pavement.