


发布:2007-09-22 00:00来源:暂无    点击数:


The Technical  University of Madrid(UPM, Universidad Politecnicade Madrid) is  offering up
to  ten scholarships for studentsf rom leading Chinese Technical Universities to conduct
graduate or undergraduate engineering projects in theTechnical University of Madridin
technical areas of large potential for the development of new business opportunities. These
projects shouldre ceiveacademiccredit intheChinesehome university.
Each scholarship awarded  will consist of six  thousand euros to cover cost of air fare as well as
living expenses in Madrid for aperiod of six months. Students admitted to thisprogram will be
exempt from tuition fees at UPM.
Applications should arrive no laterthan October31,2007 and include:

1. Proof of knowledge of the Englishlanguage(minimum TOEFL 213/550level)
2. Two letters of recommendation from university professors
3. Original transcript of records
4. Translation to English of the transcript of records, signed and sealedby thestudent’s
home University
5. Statement of purpose clearly indicating preferred technical areas ofwork, special
expertise or experience in these areas, and preferred periods of timeto developtheproject
at UPM. A brief presentation of UPM  with the technical areas it covers can befound at
6. A onepagecurriculumvitae
All applications will be answered by December 20,2007.
To expediate processing,applications should be made either by placing them on theweb in
non-proprietary formats and communicating the http address by e-mail or sending them by
e-mail to thee-address [email protected],theycan besent
by fax to thenumber+34–91–336–6213. Inaddition,at leastitems1 to4 of the application
must be sent by regula rmail to International Office | Ramiro de Maeztu, 7
| E-28040 Madrid