1. Ghaedi, K.,Javanmardi, A.*,Ibrahim, Z., Gordan, M., Rashid, R. S. M., Khatibi, H., & Vaghei, R. (2023). Experimental and numerical studies on the cyclic performance of structural frames equipped with bar dampers. Structures, 50, 707–722.//doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2023.02.070 (SCI收录)
2. Ghalehnoei, M. S.,Javanmardi, A.*,Izadifar, M., Ukrainczyk, N., & Koenders, E. A. B. (2023). Finite Element Analysis of Shear Reinforcing of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grid-Strengthened Engineering Cementitious Composite. Buildings, Article-in-press(SCI收录)
3. Javanmardi, A.,Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Huang, F.,Kuczma, M., Tabrizikahou, A., & Mohammad-Sedighi, M., (2022). Pounding mitigation of a short-span cable-stayed bridge using a new hybrid passive control system. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 134, 625–636.//doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.10.020(SCI收录)
4. Javanmardi, A.,Huang, F., et al., (2022). Experimental Study on Seismic Response of an Integral Abutment- Steel H-pile Structure under Quasi-static Cyclic Loads. Journal of Earthquake Engineering,//doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2022.2112999 (SCI收录)
5. Huang, F., Li, L.,Javanmardi, A.*,et al., (2022). Modified calculation method of earth pressure and internal force of the abutment-pile in integral abutment jointless bridges. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 22:205, 1-20.//doi.org/10.1007/s43452-022-00533-2(SCI收录)
6. Mulk, S., Usman, M., Khan, A., Usman, M.,Javanmardi, A.,& Ahmad, A. (2022). Damage assessment of reinforced concrete beams using cost-effective MEMS accelerometers. Structures, 41, 602–618.//doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.04.101(SCI收录)
7. Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Sweya, L.N., Baghersad, M., Dianat, H., Ghaedi, K.,Javanmardi, A. (2022) An integrated framework for assessment of smart city resilience.Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 1-22//doi.org/10.1177/23998083221092422(SCI收录)
8. WQ Guo, XY Luo, YF Tang, RH Fu,Javanmardi, A.,(2022). Study on Mechanical Properties of Simply Supported Girder Bridge after Jointless. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2158 (1), 012023(SCI收录)
9. Javanmardi, A.,Ghaedi, K., Huang, F., Usman, M., & Tabrizikahou, A., (2021). Application of structural control systems for the cables of cable-stayed bridges: State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.//doi.org/10.1007/s11831-021-09632-4(SCI收录)
10. Xu, P., Zhi, X., Huang, F,Javanmardi, A.,(2021). Numerical simulation of deepwater S-lay and J-lay pipeline using vector form intrinsic finite element method. Ocean Engineering. 234, 10903//doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109039(SCI收录)
11. Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Javanmardi, A., & Rupakhety, R. (2021). Experimental study of a new bar damper device for vibration control of structures subjected to earthquake loads. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 25:2, 300-318,//doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2018.1515796(SCI收录)
12. Chen, S., Yang, Y., Shen, Z.,Javanmardi,A.,(2021). Reconstruction of Min-Zhe wooden arch bridges and its legitimation as tangible and intangible heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage.//doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2021.1908444(SCI收录)
13. Tabrizikahou, A., Kuczma, M., Nowotarski, P., Kwiatek, M., &Javanmardi, A.(2021). Sustainability of Civil Structures through the Application of Smart Materials : A Review. Materials, 14(4824), 1–29.//doi.org/10.3390/ma14174824(SCI收录)
14. Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Dianat, H., Baghersad, M., Ghaedi, K. &Javanmardi, A. (2021). Indicators bank for smart and resilient cities: design of excellence. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.//doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-07-2020-0122(SCI收录)
15. Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Baghersad, M., Dianat, H., Hidayati, R., Meldi, S.,Javanmardi, A., & Ghaedi, K. (2021). The Resilient – Smart City Development: A Literature Review and Novel Frameworks Exploration. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.//doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-03-2020-0049(SCI收录)
16. Javanmardi, A.*,Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Ghadim, H. B., Hanif, M. U., (2020). State-of-the-art Review of Metallic Dampers: Testing, Development and Implementation. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 27 (2), 455-478.//doi.org/10.1007/s11831-019-09329-9(SCI收录)
17. Javanmardi, A.*,Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Huang, F., & Xu, P., (2020). Development of a new hexagonal honeycomb steel damper. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 20 (2), 1–19.//doi.org/10.1007/s43452-020-00063-9(SCI收录)
18. Huang, F., Shan, Y.,Javanmardi, A.*,Luo, X., & Chen, B. (2020). Seismic Performance of Various Piles Considering Soil – Pile Interaction under Lateral Cycle Loads for Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs). Applied Sciences, 10 (10), 2–23.//doi.org/10.3390/app10103406(SCI收录)
19. Alasadi, S., Ibrahim, Z., Shafigh, P., Javanmardi, A., Nouri, K. (2020). An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Flexural Performance of Over-Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthening with Bolted-Compression Steel Plates : Part II. Applied Science, 10(1), 94.//doi.org/10.3390/app10010094(SCI收录)
20. Khan, N. B., Ibrahim, Z., Ali, M. A., Jameel, M., Khan, M.I.,Javanmardi, A.,Oyejobib, D. O. (2019). Numerical simulation of flow with large eddy simulation at Re=3900: A study on the accuracy of statistical quantities. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. 30(5), 2397-2409//doi.org/10.1108/HFF-11-2018-0619(SCI收录)
21. Javanmardi, A*.,Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Khan, N. B., & Ghadim, H. B. (2018). Seismic isolation retrofitting solution for an existing steel cable-stayed bridge. PLOS ONE, 13(7), 1–22.//doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200482 (SCI收录)
22. Hanif, M. U., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Hashim, H., &Javanmardi, A. (2018). Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using A Model-based Nonlinear Approach - A Comprehensive Review. Construction and Building Materials, 192, 847–865.//doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.115(SCI收录)
23. Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Jameel M.,Javanmardi, A., Khatibi, H., (2018). Seismic Response Analysis of Fully Base Isolated Adjacent Buildings with Segregated Foundations. Advances in Civil Engineering.//doi.org/10.1155/2018/4517940(SCI收录)
24. Javanmardi, A.*,Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., & Muthu, K. U. (2018). Seismic Pounding Mitigation of an Existing Cable-Stayed Bridge Using Metallic Dampers. In IABSE Conference – Engineering the Developing World (pp. 617–623). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.//dx.doi.org/10.2749/kualalumpur.2018.0617(SCI收录)
25. Javanmardi, A.*,Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K. (2018). Development of a new hybrid precast beam-to-column connection. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431, 112002.//doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/431/11/112002(SCI收录)
26. Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z.,Javanmardi, A.(2018). A new metallic bar damper device for seismic energy dissipation of civil structures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431, 122009.//doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/431/12/122009(SCI收录)
27. Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z.,Javanmardi, A., & Jameel, M. (2018). Finite Element Analysis Of A Strengthened Beam Deliberating Elastically Isotropic And Orthotropic CFRP material. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 9(2), 117–126.//doi.org/10.33736/JCEST.991.2018
28. Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Jameel, M., Usman, H. (2018). Seismic response of a base-isolated cable-stayed bridge under near-fault ground motion excitations. Scientific Research Journal, 15(1), 1–14. //doi.org/10.24191/SRJ2018.15.1.1-14
29. Ghaedi, K.,Javanmardi, A., Ibrahim, Z., Anas Shaiban, Hanif, U., & Rehman, S. K. U.(2018). A New Passive Bar Damper Device for Alleviation of Structural Damages of Structures Subjected to Seismic Motions. Trends in Civil Engineering and Material Science, 1 (3), 57-62.//dx.doi.org/10.32474/TCEIA.2018.01.000115
30. Hanif, M., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K.,Javanmardi, A., & Rehman, S. (2018). Finite Element Simulation of Damage in RC Beams. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 9(1).//publisher.unimas.my/ojs-training/index.php/JCEST/article/view/883/631
31. Javanmardi, A., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Jameel, M., Khatibi, H., & Suhatril, M. (2017). Seismic response characteristics of a base-isolated cable-stayed bridge under moderate and strong ground motions. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 17(2), 419–432.//doi.org/10.1016/j.acme.2016.12.002(SCI收录)
32. Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Adeli, H., &Javanmardi, A.(2017). Invited Review: Recent developments in vibration control of building and bridge structures. Journal of Vibroengineering, 19(5), 3564–3580.//doi.org/10.21595/jve.2017.18900(SCI收录)
33. Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., & Khatibi, H. (2017). Numerical analysis of vertical pipe damper. In 39th IABSE SYMPOSIUM Report; Engineering the Future (pp. 2974–2980). Vancouver, Canada: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.//doi.org/10.2749/vancouver.2017.2974(SCI收录)
34. Javanmardi, A.*, Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., & Khatibi, H. (2016). Nonlinear seismic behavior of a based isolated cable-stayed bridge. In S. B. University (Ed.), 4thinternational congress on Civil engineering, Architecture and Urban Development. Tehran: Civilica.//civilica.com/doc/617968/(ISC-Indexed)
35. Ghaedi, K., Khanzaei, P., Vaghei, R., Fateh, A.,Javanmardi, A., Gordan, M., & Hanif, U. (2016). Reservoir hydrostatic pressure effect on roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 19(2).(SCI收录)
36. Javanmardi, A.*, Abadi, R., Marsono, A. K., Tap, M., Ibrahim, Z., & Ahmad, A. (2015). Correlation of Stiffness and Natural Frequency of Precast Frame System. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol., 735, 141–144.//doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.735.141
37. Ghaedi, K.,Javanmardi, A., Gordan, M., Khatibi, H., & Mohammadi, A. (2015). Application of 2D and 3D finite element modelling of gravity dams under seismic loading. In 3rdNational Graduate Conference (NatGrad2015) (pp. 264-269).//dspace.uniten.edu.my/handle/123456789/10217
38. Gordan, M., Izadifar, M., Haddadiasl, A.,Javanmardi, A., Abadi, R., & Mohammadhosseini, H. (2014). Interaction of Across-Wind and Along-Wind with Tall Buildings. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(19), 96–101.//dx.doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3315.9042