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2002/09~2005/06 湖南大学固体力学专业博士研究生

1999/09~2002/06 湖南大学固体力学专业硕士研究生

1995/09~1999/06 湖南大学工程力学专业本科生


2014/07~迄今  加拿大28预测官网 教授

2011.8-2011.12  澳门大学科技学院访问学者

2008/08~2014/07 加拿大28预测官网 副教授

2005/07~2008/08 加拿大28预测官网 讲师


Yu-fang Zheng, Li-chuan Liu, De-yong Qu, Chang-ping Chen. Nonlinear postbuckling analysis of magneto-electro-thermo-elastic laminated microbeams based on modified couple stress theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2023,118:89-106

Zheng Yu-fang, Qu De-yong, Liu Li-chuan, Chen Chang-ping. Size-dependent nonlinear bending analysis of nonlocal magneto-electro-elastic laminated nanobeams resting on elastic foundation. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,2023,148:104255

Xu Liang-liang, Chen Chang-ping, Zheng Yu-fang (通讯作者). Two-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic plate based on high order shear deformation theory. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2022,114:106662

Zheng Yu-fang, Kang Chong-chun, Xu Liang-liang, Chen Chang-ping. Nonlinear analysis of rectangular magnetoelectroelastic moderately thick laminated plates under multi-field coupling loads. Thin-walled structures, 2022,177:109406

L.L. Xu, C.C.Kang, Y.F.Zheng,(通讯作者), C.P.Chen. Analysis of nonlinear vibration of magneto-electro-elastic plate on elastic foundation based on high-order shear deformation. Composite Structures,2021, 271:114149

Yu-fang Zheng, Liang-liang Xu, Chang-ping Chen. Nonlinear bending analysis of magnetoelectroelastic rectangular plates using higher order shear deformation theory. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021, 35(3): 1099-1108

许亮亮,郑玉芳,陈昌萍. 基于高阶剪切变形理论的磁电弹性梁的非线性静力分析,贵州大学学报,2019,36(6): 17-21

F. Wang, Y.F. Zheng(通讯作者), C.P. Chen. Nonlinear bending of rectangular magnetoelectroelastic thin plates with linearly varying thickness. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 19(3-4): 351–356

Yufang Zheng, Tao Chen, Changping Chen. A size-dependent model to study nonlinear static behavior of piezoelectric cantilever microbeams with damage. Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(10): 4679-4686

郑玉芳,王守松,王锋,陈昌萍. 界面脱层的钢桥面铺装结构温度应力分析.世界桥梁,2016,44(2):37-40

郑玉芳,王锋,陈昌萍. 线性变厚度压电层合矩形板的非线性弯曲. 福州大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 41(5): 887-891

Y.F. Zheng, L.Q. Deng, F. Wang. Bifurcation and Chaos of Cross-ply Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2011,10(4):305-312

Y.F. Zheng, L.Q. Deng. Effect of piezoelectricity on nonlinear free vibration of moderately thick laminated piezoelectric plates. Advanced Materials Research, 2011(239-242): 1223-1226

Y. F. Zheng, L. Q. Deng. Nonlinear free vibration for viscoelastic moderately thick laminated composite plates with damage evolution. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010, Article ID: 562539

Y. F. Zheng, A. Qi, Y. M. Fu. Postbuckling analysis of viscoelastic moderately thick laminated cylindrical panels with damage evolution. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2009, 8(1):27-39

Yu-Fang Zheng , Feng Wang , Yi-Ming Fu . Nonlinear Dynamic Stability of moderately thick laminated plates with Piezoelectric Layers. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation, 2009, 10(4): 459-468

郑玉芳. 损伤粘弹性正交铺设层合板的非线性振动分析. 福州大学学报(自然科学版)2007,35(2):256~260

Yufang Zheng, Yiming Fu, Kai Qi . Nonlinear Free Vibration for Cross-ply Laminated Damaged Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 324-325:479~482

郑玉芳,傅衣铭,王锋. 具损伤压电层合板的非线性动力稳定性分析. 力学学报,2006,38(4):570~576

Yufang Zheng,Yiming Fu. Analysis of nonlinear vibration for symmetric angle- ply laminated viscoelastic plates with damage. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2005, 21(5): 459~466