Chen Fu-quan, Liu L.Y.(#), Lai F.W.(#),Kenneth Gavin,Kevin N. Flynn, Li Y.D.(#). Numerical analyses of energy balance and installation mechanisms of large-diameter tapered monopiles by impact driving[J]. Ocean Engineering,Elsevier,2022,266(4):113017.//
Chen Fu-quan, Lin Y. J. (#), Dong Y. Z. (#), Li D. Y. Numerical investigations of soil plugging effect inside large-diameter, open-ended wind turbine monopiles driven by vibratory hammers[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, Taylor & Francis, 2020, 38(1): 83-96. // (SCI)
Li D. Y., Ma S. L., Zhang Y. K., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者). Experimental studies on differences of penetration between modified suction caisson and regular suction caisson in clay[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, Taylor & Francis, 2021, 16(2): 112-119. // (SCI)
Li D. Y., Li S. S., Zhang Y. K., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者). Earth pressure distribution and sand deformation around modified suction caissons (MSCs) Under Monotonic Lateral Loading[J]. China Ocean Engineering, Springer, 2019, 33(2): 198-206. // (SCI)
Li D. Y., Ma S. L., Zhang Y. K., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者). Lateral baring capacity of modified suction caissons determined by using the limit equilibrium method[J]. China Ocean Engineering, Springer, 2018, 32(4): 461-466. // (SCI)
Jiang G. P,Fang S.Q.(#), Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者), Chen H. B.(#). Dual-beam mathematical model for mechanical response of buried pipeline and pavement structures subjected to ground subsidence [J], Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, ASCE, 2023,14(4): // .(SCI)
肖勇杰(#), 陈福全(通讯作者), 董译之(#).基于Gudehus-Bauer模型的砂土中灌注桩护壁套管高频振动贯入速率[J].岩土力学,2018,39(08):3011-3019. (EI)
陈福全 , 赖丰文(#),李大勇.受空洞坍塌影响的加筋路基研究综述[J].岩土力学,2018,39(09):3362-3376. ( EI)
赖丰文(#), 陈福全(通讯作者),万梁龙(#).考虑不完全土拱效应的浅层地基竖向应力计算[J].岩土力学,2018, 39(07): 2546-2554. (EI)
陈福全(通讯作者), 万梁龙(#).岩溶塌陷影响下加筋路基加筋体设计方法[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 49(01):208-216. (EI)
陈福全(通讯作者), 赖丰文(#).抗土洞塌陷的低填方加筋路基荷载传递机制及设计方法[J].岩土工程学报,2018, 40(07): 180-1189.(EI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者),Fang S.Q.(#), Lin L.B.(#). Mechanica analyses of underground pipelines subjected to ground subsidence considering soil arching effect[J], Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, ASCE, 2023:14(2):04022076. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan, Chen H. B.(#), Wu Y,X, Zhang D,B., Lin Y,J,(#). Numerical and analytical study on active earth pressure against inverted T-type retaining walls rotating about the base[J]. Acta Geotechnica, Springer, 2023,18(4):2195-2216. //
Chen Fu-quan, Kang W. Z(#), Yang Z.W.(#), Li X.(#).Seismic pseudo-static active earth pressure of narrow c-φ soils on gravity walls under translational mode[J], Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier, 2022,161(10):107437. //
Chen Fu-quan, Luo S. C(#)., Lai F. W(#). New analytical solutions for cohesive-frictional soils above deep active trapdoors[J], International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2022,22(10):04022235. //
Chen Fu-quan, Chen H.B.(#), Li X(#), Lin L.B.(#), Seismic pseudo-static active earth pressure of narrow granular backfill against an inverted T-type retaining wall under translational mode[J], Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier, 2022,152: 107018. // (SCI)
Chen H.B(#), Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者), Lin Y. J.(#), Slip-line solution to earth pressure of narrow backfill against retaining walls on yielding foundations[J].International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE 2022, 22(5): 04022051. //
Zhang Y. B(#), Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者), Lin Y. J. (#). Active earth pressure of narrow backfill against inverted T-type retaining walls rotating about the heel[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 2022, 26(4): 1723-1739. // .(SCI)
Lin Y.J.(#), Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者), Lv Y.P. Analytical solutions for the earth pressure of narrow cohesive backfill with retaining walls rotating about the top[J]. Acta Geotechnica,Springer, 2021, 16(9): 2975-2995. // (SCI)
Li X(#), Chen H. B.(#) ,Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者),Lin Y. J.(#).An experimental study of the active failure mechanism of narrow backfills installed behind rigid retaining walls conducted using Geo-PIV[J]. Acta Geotechnica, Springer, 2022(17):4051–4068. //
Zhang B. Q., Huang W., Chen Fu-quan (通讯作者), Wang Q. Y. Analytical study on the transverse internal forces of shield tunnel segments due to adjacent excavations in soft clays[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 2021, 25(12):4842–4855. // (SCI)
Lin L. B. (#), Lu Y. P., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Li D. Y. Complex variable solutions for twin tunnelling at great depth in viscoelastic geomaterial considering the three-dimensional effects of tunnel faces[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2021, 89:919-951. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Lin Y. J.(#), Yang J. T.(#),Huang M. Passive earth pressure of narrow cohesionless backfill against inclined rigid retaining walls under translation mode[J]. Soils and Foundations, Elsevier, 2021, 61(1): 95-112. // (SCI)
Lai F.W.(#), Chen S.X.(#),Xue J.F., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者). New analytical solutions for shallow cohesive soils overlying trench voids under various slip surfaces [J]. Transportation Geotechnics,Elsevier, 2020,25:100411. // (SCI)
Lin L. B. (#), Lv Y. P., Chen Fu-quan, Li D. Y. Analytic study of stress and displacement for shallow twin tunnels subjected to surcharge loads[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2021, 93:485-508. // (SCI)
Lin L. B. (#), Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Lu Y. P., Li D. Y. Complex variable solutions for shallow twin tunnelling in visco-elastic geomaterial considering buoyancy effect and equivalent three-dimensional effects of tunnel faces[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2021, 91:149-185. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者),Lin Y. J.(#), Yang J.T.(#), Passive Earth Pressure of Narrow Cohesionless Backfill against Rigid Retaining Walls Rotating about the Base[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2021, 21(1):06020036. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Zhang Y. B. (#), Lin Y. J(#)., Huang M. Active Earth Pressure against Inverted T-Type Retaining Walls under Translation Mode[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2021, 21(6):04021077. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Lin Y. J.(#), Chen S. X.(#). Analytical solutions for geosynthetic-reinforced cohesive subgrade spanning trench voids[J]. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Elsevier, 2020, 48(6): 854-866. // (SCI)
Zhang B. Q. (#), Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Wang Qi-yun, Lin Luo-bin(#). Analytical model of buried beams on a tensionless foundation subjected to differential settlement[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2020, 87:269-286. s// (SCI)
Zhang B. Q. (#), Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Wang Qi-yun, Lin Luo-bin(#). Analytical model of buried beams on a tensionless foundation subjected to differential settlement[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2020, 87:269-286. s// (SCI)
陈福全, 刘斯航(#), 张智超, 李大勇.滚石防护加筋土挡墙研究综述[J].工程地质学报,2020,28(03):574-583.
Lin Y.J.(#), Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Yang Jun-tao(#), Li Dayong. Active earth pressure of narrow cohesionless backfill on inclined rigid retaining walls rotating about the bottom[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2020, 20(7): 04020102. // (SCI)
Lin L. B. (#),Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Lu Y. P., Li D. Y. Complex variable solutions for tunnel excavation at great depth in visco-elastic geomaterial considering the three-dimensional effects of tunnel advance[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2020, 82:700-730. // (SCI)
Lin L. B. (#),Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Li D. Y. Modified complex variable method for displacement induced by surcharge loads and shallow tunnel excavation[J]. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Springer, 2020,123(1):1-18. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-Quan, Zhao N. K.(#), Feng S., Liu H. W., et al. Effects of biochar content on gas diffusion coefficient of soil with different compactness and air contents[J]. Environmental science and pollution, Springer, 2020, 27(17): 21497-21505. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan, Miao G. J. (#), Lai F. W(#). Base instability triggered by hydraulic uplift of Pit-in-Pit braced excavations in soft clay overlying a confined aquifer[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 2020, 24(6): 1717-1730. // (SCI)
Zhang B. Q., Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Wang Q. Y. Elastoplastic solutions for surrounding rock masses of deep-buried circular tunnels with non-Darcian flow[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2019, 19(7): // (SCI)
Lin L. B(#).,Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Huang Z(#). An analytical solution for sectional estimation of stress and displacement fields around a shallow tunnel[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2019, 69:181-200. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan, Yang J. T. (#), Lin Y. J(#). Active earth pressure of narrow granular Backfill against rigid retaining wall near rock face under translation mode[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2019, 19(12): 04019133. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Lin Y. J. (#), Li D. Y. Solution to active earth pressure of narrow cohesionless backfill against rigid retaining walls under translation mode[J]. Soils and Foundations, Elsevier, 2019, 59(1): 151-161. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者) , Lin L. B. (#), Wang J. J (#). Energy method as solution for deformation of geosynthetic-reinforced embankment on Pasternak foundation[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2019, 66: 424-439. // (SCI)
Chen Fu-quan, Lin L. B. (#), Li D. Y. Analytic solutions for twin tunneling at great depth considering liner installation and mutual interaction between geomaterial and liners[J].Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 2019, 73:412-441. // (SCI)
王建军(#), 陈福全(通讯作者), 李大勇.低填方加筋路基沉降的Kerr模型解[J].岩土力学,2019,40(01):250-259. (EI)
Zhou Y. T. (#),Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Wang X. M. Seismic active earth pressure for inclined rigid retaining walls considering rotation of the principal stresses with pseudo-dynamic method[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2018, 18(7): 04018083. // (SCI)
Lai F. W. (#),Chen Fu-quan(通讯作者), Li D. Y. Bearing capacity characteristics and failure modes of low geosynthetic-reinforced embankments overlying voids[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2018, 18(8): 04018085. // (SCI)