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担任Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,Geomechanics and Engineering,Geofluids等SCI期刊审稿人;担任Advances in Civil Engineering等多个SCI期刊Guest Editor。






2019.04 ~ 2022.03 日本长崎大学 岩土工程 博士

2015.09 ~ 2018.06 中国矿业大学 岩土工程 硕士

2010.09 ~ 2014.06 山东科技大学 采矿工程 学士


2023.02至今 福州大学    加拿大28预测 副研究员

2022.06至 2023.01  福州大学    加拿大28预测










Yuanchao Zhang, Ming Huang, Yujing Jiang et al. (2025) Shear contraction mechanism and mechanical behavior of shear-induced rock bridge fractures under constant normal stiffness conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Accepted. (SCI, 中科院2区)

Huang, M, Jiang, S, Zhang, Y, Jiang, Y, Zhang, X, Xu, C. (2024). A new stability analysis model for wet-dry sensitive rocks surrounding underground excavations based on disturbed state concept theory. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 174, 105653. (SCI, 中科院1区)

Zhang Y, Huang M, Jiang Y, Wang, Z. (2023) Mechanics, damage and energy degradation of rock-concrete interfaces exposed to high temperature during cyclic shear. Construction and Building Materials, 405, 133229. (SCI, 中科院1区)

Liu R, Zhu X, Zhang Y*, Jiang Y, Li S. (2023) Simultaneous unloading of shear and normal stresses induces activation of naturally rough-walled sandstone fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170, 105488. (SCI, 中科院1区, 通讯作者)

Yin Q, Nie X, Wu J, Jing H, Pu H, Zhang Q, Zhang Y*. (2023) Shear mechanical responses and cracking evolution mechanisms of flawed sandstone containing two circular holes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 22: 1118-1135. (SCI, 中科院1区, 通讯作者)

Yin Q, Wu S, Wu J, Jing H, Zhang Q, Zhang Y*. (2023) Experiment and particle flow simulation of unloading induced shearing properties for jointed sandstone materials. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18: e02012. (SCI, 中科院2区, 通讯作者)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Zhi Wang et al.(2022) Anchorage effect of bolt on en-echelon fractures: a comparison between energy-absorbing bolt and conventional rigid bolt. Engineering Failure Analysis, 137,106256. (SCI, 中科院2区)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Daisuke Asahina et al. (2021). Structural effect of en-echelon fractures on shear behavior of rock mass under constant normal load conditions: an experimental study. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 4825-4849 (SCI, 中科院2区)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Daisuke Asahina et al. (2020). Experimental and numerical investigation on shear failure behavior of rock-like samples containing multiple non-persistent joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(10), 4717-4744. (SCI, 中科院2区)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Daisuke Asahina et al. (2020) Shear behavior and acoustic emission characteristics of en-echelon joints under constant normal stiffness conditions. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 109, 102772. (SCI, 中科院2区)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Xinshuai Shi et al. (2020). Shear failure and mechanical behavior of flawed specimens containing opening and joints. Geomechanics and Engineering, 23(6), 587-600. (SCI, 中科院3区)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Changsheng Wang et al. (2020) Shear of bolted non-persistent joints: role of bolting conditions and joint persistency. Géotechnique Letters, 10(4), 550-558. (SCI)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*, Xiaojie Tang et al. (2020) Cracking behavior and local stress characteristics around the opening surrounded by two intermittent joints: experiment and numerical simulation. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 348(1), 33-61. (SCI)

Yuanchao Zhang, Zhiyuan Xia, Yujing Jiang et al. (2020). Effect of hole density and confining pressure on mechanical behavior of porous specimens: an insight from discrete element modeling. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 125(1), 259-280. (SCI)

Yuanchao Zhang, Yujing Jiang*. (2020) Cracking behaviour of sandstone specimens containing hole and intermittent joints. ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2020. (ISRM-EUROCK-2020-041) (国际会议, EI)

张元超,杨圣奇,陈淼 等. (2017) 深井综放沿空掘巷实体煤帮变形破坏机制及控制技术. 岩土力学 38(4). (EI )