近日,美国联邦公路总署首席工程师W. Phillip Yen博士应加拿大28预测官网
师生作了主题为“Best Practices Regarding Performance of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Connections in Bridges Subjected To Multi-Hazard and Extreme Events”的学术讲座。
报告会上,陈宝春院长首先介绍了W. Phillip Yen博士的基本情况并致欢迎辞。W. Phillip Yen博士以他丰富的经验和渊博的专业知识给全体听众上了精彩的一课。在主题讲座中,他幽默风趣的叙述方式,妙语连珠的发言,在简单的话语中向我们展示了美国联邦道路总署近年来应对多灾害联合作用下以及极端情况的桥梁节点快速施工领域取得的一系列成果。


W. Phillip Yen工程师精彩演讲


W. Phillip Yen工程师认真解答

Dr. Yen is the Principal Bridge Engineer in Structural Dynamics of Office of Bridge Technology. He is responsible to enhance and implement bridge technology in extreme events related to structural dynamics, and has the technical responsibility to conduct the earthquake engineering research in the highway constructions. He is currently directing managing three FHWA major Seismic Research Projects with the total amount more than $15 Million. Dr. Yen has published many technical papers in the area of modal identification of bridges structures, non-destructive evaluation and testing, seismic design, shake-table test of bridge columns and bridge vibration tests, cable stress assessment of cable–stayed bridges.
Dr. Yen is serving as the president of the International Bridge Seismic Engineering Association. He currently serves as the US side Chair of the US-Japan and US-Italy, as the US side Executive Chair of US-China Bridge Eng. Workshops and other international Bridge Engineering Annual Workshops. He is a registered Professional Engineer of Virginia State. Dr. Yen received many outstanding awards from the agency. He was nominated by the Federal Highway Administration to receive the award of the top U.S. Seismic Engineers of the 20th century. He recently received the distinguished alumni award from National Taipei Science and Technology University and a high level Superior Achievement Award from Federal Highway Administrator of United States Department of Transportation in October 2009.