




Email:[email protected], [email protected]


陈誉,男,1978年4月出生,湖北公安人,教授,博士生导师,国家万人计划科技创新领军人才,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,全球前2%顶尖科学家,福建省“百人计划”创新人才,闽江学者特聘教授,福建省引进高层次创业创新人才,福建省级高层次人才(A类),湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家,湖北省杰出青年基金获得者,四川省天府学者特聘专家,加拿大28预测 院长助理,结构工程国际暨港澳台联合实验室主任,同济大学结构工程专业工学博士,同济大学桥梁工程专业博士后。



















(1)沿海湿热耦合作用下型钢混凝土组合柱劣化机理研究:国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号: 52078138)。主持(执行中)

(2)拉挤型GFRP管-混凝土-型钢组合柱受力性能与设计方法研究:国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号: 51778066)。主持(已结题)





(7)大跨度空间方圆钢管节点极限承载力与抗震性能研究:湖北省杰出青年基金项目(项目编号: 2017CFA070)。主持(已结题)

(8)大偏心圆钢管桁架节点受力性能研究:福建省自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号: 2012J01219)。主持(已结题)





(13)装配式半刚性框架-波纹钢板剪力墙结构体系的研发及产业化:福州市科技计划项目(项目编号: 2020-GX-23)。主持(执行中)

(14)东南沿海湿热耦合作用下型钢柱劣化机理研究及其关键技术:福州市科技计划项目(项目编号: 2021-Y-083)。主持(执行中)











(8)2022年第三批全国党建工作样板支部:加拿大28预测官网 青年马克思主义者培养班党支部(副书记)

(9)2021年福建省高校先进基层党组织:加拿大28预测官网 青年马克思主义者培养班党支部(副书记)














(1)陈誉,何康(专著).圆钢管节点静力性能与应力集中系数研究. 北京:科学出版社,2020

(2)陈誉,何康(专著).异型钢管节点受力性能与设计方法. 北京:科学出版社,2020




SCI papers

(1) Chen Y, Feng R, Wang J. Behaviour of bird-beak square hollow section X-joints under in-plane bending[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 86(1):94-107. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)(ESI高被引论文)

(2) Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY. Experimental and finite element analysis research on cold-formed steel lipped channel beams under web crippling[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 87(2):41-52. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(3) Chen Y, Feng R, Wang J. Behaviour of bird-beak square hollow section X-joints under out-of-plane bending[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 106(3):234-245. (SCI, EI)(IF=4.349)2区)

(4) Chen XX, Chen Y*, Chen DF. Plate reinforced square hollow section X-Joints subjected to in-plane moment[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(3):1002-1015. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=2.392)3区)

(5) Chen Y, Wu Y. Behaviour of square hollow section brace-H-shaped steel chord T-joints under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 89(4):192-204. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(6) Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY. Aluminum tubular sections subjected to web crippling[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 90(5):49-60. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881) 1区)

(7) Chen Y, Wang J. Axial compression physical testing of traditional and bird beak SHS T-Joints[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(6):2328-2338. (SCI, EI) (IF=2.392)3区)

(8) Chen Y, Wang CY. Web crippling behavior of pultruded GFRP rectangular hollow sections[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 77(8):112-121. (SCI, EI) (IF=11.322)1区)

(9) Chen Y, Wang CY. Test on pultruded GFRP I-section under web crippling[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 77(8):27-37. (SCI, EI) (IF=11.322)1区)

(10) Feng R, Chen Y*, Gao SW, Zhang W. Numerical investigation of concrete-filled multi-planar CHS Inverse-Triangular tubular truss[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 94(9):23-37. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(11) Chen Y, Feng R, Gao SW. Experimental study of concrete-filled multiplanar circular hollow section tubular trusses[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 94(9):199-213. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(12) Chen Y, Feng R, Wang CY. Tests of steel and composite CHS X-joints with curved chord under axial compression[J]. Engineering Structures, 2015, 99(9):423-438. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.582)2区)

(13) Chen Y, Feng R, Wang CY. Tests of bare and concrete-filled CHS T-joints with concave chord under axial compression[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 93(9):144-156. (SCI, EI) (IF=7.693)1区)

(14) Wang CY, Chen Y*, Chen XX, Chen DF. Experimental and numerical research on out-of-plane flexural property of plates reinforced SHS X-joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 94(9):466-477. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(15) Yang J, Chen Y*, Hu K. Stress concentration factors of negative large eccentricity tubular N-joints under axial compressive loading in vertical brace[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 96(11):359-371. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(16) Feng R, Chen Y*, Wei L, Ruan XF. Behaviour of CHS brace-to-H-shaped chord X-joints under in-plane bending[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 114:8-19. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(17) Chen Y, Wu Y, Ruan XF, Feng R. Tests of SHS brace-H-shaped chord X-joints under in-plane bending[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 97(12):171-185. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(18) Chen Y, Wang J. Numerical study and design equations of square and diamond bird-beak SHS T-joints under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 97(12):215-224. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(19) Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY. Web crippling of galvanized steel tube strengthened by CFRP sheets[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2016, 84(1):200-210. (SCI, EI) (IF=11.322)1区)

(20) Chen Y, Feng R, Wei L. Design of CHS brace-to-H-shaped chord T-joints under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 98(1):274-284. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(21) Chen Y, Feng R, Xiong LL. Experimental and numerical investigations on steel–concrete–PVC SHS joints under axial compression[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 102(1):654-670. (SCI, EI) (IF=7.693)1区)

(22) Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY. Experimental and finite element analysis research on I-Beam under web crippling[J]. Materials and Structures, 2016, 49(1-2): 421-437. (SCI, EI) (IF=4.285)3区)

(23) Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY. Tests and behavior of hot-rolled channel steel sections subjected to web crippling[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 117(2): 101-114. (SCI, EI) (IF=4.349)2区)

(24) Feng R, Chen Y*, Wang CY. Tests of CHS T-joints with convex chord under axial compression[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 117(2): 139-151. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(25) Chen Y, Chen DF. Ultimate capacities formulae of collar and doubler plates reinforced SHS X-joints under in-plane bending[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 99(2):21-34. (SCI, EI). (IF=5.881)1区)

(26) Chen Y, Yang J, Hu K. Parametric study and formulae of SCFs for positive large eccentricity CHS N-joints[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 120(4):117-131. (SCI, EI). (IF=4.349) 2区)

(27) Chen Y, Hu K, Yang J. Investigation on SCFs of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints under balanced axial loading[J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2016, 21(6):1227-1249. (SCI, EI). (IF=6.144)2区)

(28) Chen Y, Feng R, Ruan XF. Behaviour of steel-concrete-steel SHS X-joints under axial compression[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 122(7):469-487. (SCI, EI). (IF=4.349) 2区)

(29) Chen Y, Feng R, Xiong LL. Experimental and numerical investigations on double-skin CHS tubular X-joints under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 106(9):268-283. (SCI, EI). (IF=5.881)1区)

(30) Huang SQ, Chen Y*, Wang CY, Du GF. Behavior of galvanized steel tube subjected to web crippling[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(10):2705-2719. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=2.392)3区)

(31) Feng R, Chen Y*, Chen DF. Experimental and numerical investigations on collar plate and doubler plate reinforced SHS T-joints under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 110(1): 75-87. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.881)1区)

(32) Chen Y, Feng R, Wang LP. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS and RHS tubes[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 134(3):159-171. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.582)2区)

(33) Chen Y, Ran F, Shao YB, Zhang XT. Bond-slip behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel circular hollow section tubes[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 130(3):248-263. (SCI, EI). (IF=4.349)2区)

(34) Feng R, Chen Y*, Gong WZ. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled aluminium alloy thin-walled SHS and RHS tubes[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 137(4):33-49. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(35) Chen Y, Wan J, Hu K, Yang J, Chen XX. Stress concentration factors of circular chord and square braces K-joints under axial loading[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017(4), 113:287-298. (SCI, EI). (IF=5.881)1区)

(36) Chen Y, Feng R, Xu J. Flexural behaviour of CFRP strengthened concrete-filled aluminium alloy CHS tubes[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 142(7):295-319. (SCI, EI). (IF=7.693)1区)

(37) Zhou WB, Chen Y*, Wang K, Han SH, Galarza FP. Experimental research on circular concrete filled stainless steel tubular truss[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 117(8):224-238. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.881)1区)

(38) Feng R, Chen Y*, Chen T. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled CHS X-joints with curved chord under out-of-plane bending[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 145(8):254-272. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.582)2区)

(39) Wan J, Chen Y*, Wang K, Han SH. Residual strength of CHS columns after lateral impact[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 118(9):23-36. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.881)1区)

(40) Han SH, Chen Y*, Wentao Xie. Behaviour of square hollow steel tubular (SHST) stub columns after elevated temperature[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 136(9):177-192. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=4.349)2区)

(41) Chen Y, Wan J, Wang K. Residual axial bearing capacity of square steel tubes after lateral impact[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 137(10):325-341. (SCI, EI) (IF=4.349)2区)

(42) Chen Y, Feng R, Fu LQ. Investigation of grouted stainless steel SHS tubular X- and T-joints subjected to axial compression[J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 150(11):318-333. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.582)2区)

(43) Zhang WX, Chen Y*. Tests on GFRP pultruded profiles with channel section subjected to web crippling[J]. Applied Composite Materials, 2017, 24(4):849-862. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.368)4区)

(44) Xie WT, Chen Y*, Han SH, Zhou WB, He K. Research on I steel reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular short columns[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 120(11):282-296. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.881)1区)

(45) Chen Y, Kai Wang, Feng R, Kang He, Wang LP. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel CHS subjected to static loading[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 139(12):30-43. (SCI, EI) (IF=4.349)2区)

(46) Chen Y, Feng R, He K, Chen XX, Huang JF. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS and RHS tubes strengthened by CFRP[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 122(1):208-229. (SCI, EI) . (IF=5.881)1区)

(47) He K, Chen Y*, Wan J. Web crippling behavior of grouted galvanized rectangular steel tube[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 122(1):300-313. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author). (IF=5.881)1区)

(48) Chen Y, Feng R. Tests of concrete-filled circular hollow section X-joints with curved chord under in-plane bending[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017, 20(12):1948-1961. (SCI, EI). (IF=2.438)4区)

(49) Feng R, Chen Y*, Wei JG, Huang JY, Huang JF, He K. Experimental and numerical investigations on flexural behaviour of CFRP reinforced concrete-filled stainless steel CHS tubes[J]. Engineering Structures, 2018, 156(2):305-321. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(50) Wang K, Chen Y*, Wan J, Han SH, Liao LC. Compressive behavior of post-heated circular CFST short columns externally strengthened with CFRP sheets[J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2018, 32(8):833-853. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.431)4区)

(51) Feng R, Chen Y*, He K, Wei JG, Chen BC, Zhang XT. Push-out tests of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS tubes[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 145(6):58-69. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(52) Chen Y, Xie WT, Han SH, Wang K. Investigation on mechanical behavior of I-section steel short columns after elevated temperature[J]. Fire Technology, 2018, 54(2):503-529. (SCI, EI) (IF=3.605)4区)

(53) Chen Y, Wang K, He Kang, Wei JG, Wan J. Compressive Behavior of CFRP-confined post heated square CFST stub columns[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127(6):434-445. (SCI, EI). (IF=5.881)1区)

(54) Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Wan J, Wang K, He K, Chen XX, Wei JG, Jiang GP. Tests on residual ultimate bearing capacity of square CFST columns after impact[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 147(8):27-42. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(55) Chen Y, He K, Han SH, Wei JG. Experimental investigation of square concrete filled stainless steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperatures[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 130(9):12-32. (SCI, EI). (IF=5.881)1区)

(56) Feng R, Zhu W, Wan HY, Chen AY, Chen Y*. Tests of perforated aluminium alloy SHSs and RHSs under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 130(9):194-212. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(57) Zhang JC, Huang YS, Chen Y*, Du GF, Zhou LJ. Numerical and experimental study on seismic behavior of concrete-filled T-section steel tubular columns and steel beam planar frames[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(7):1774-1785. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.392)3区)

(58) Chen Y, Wan J, He K. Experimental investigation on axial compressive strength of lateral impact damaged short steel columns repaired with CFRP sheets[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 131(10):531-546. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(59) Chen Y, Feng R. Behaviour concrete-filled double-skin circular hollow section cross joints under axial compression[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 18(3):750-772. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=1.541)4区)

(60) Chen Y, Feng R, Gong WZ. Flexural behavior of concrete-filled aluminum alloy circular hollow

section tubes[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 165(3):173-186. (SCI, EI). (IF=7.693)1区)

(61) Feng R, Chen Y, Wei JG, He K, Fu LQ. Behaviour of grouted stainless steel tubular X-joints with CHS chord under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 124(3):323-342. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(62) Zhao BD, Chen Y, Liu CQ, Wu HD, Wang T, Wei XD. An axial semi-rigid connection model for cross-type transverse branch plateto-CHS joints[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 181(2):413-426. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.582)2区)

(63) Chen Y, He K, Zhang WX, B.C. Chen BC, Wei JG. Experimental and numerical investigations on skewed plate-to-SHS X-joints under compression[J]. Advanced Steel Construction, 2018, 14(4):539-561. (SCI, EI) (IF=1.313)4区)

(64) Chen Y, He K, Han SH, Yuan Y. Experimental study on three-layer tempered glass panel on quadrilateral simple bearing under local uniformly distributed load[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 139(6):294-309. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.881)1区)

(65) Pi T, Chen Y*, He K, Han SH, Wan J. Study on circular CFST stub columns with double inner square steel tubes[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 140(7):195-208. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(66) He K, Chen Y*. Experimental evaluation of built-in channel steel concrete-filled GFRP tubular stub columns under axial compression[J]. Composite Structures, 2019, 219(7):51-68. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(67) Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Shen XS, Zhu Y. Behavior of circular CFST columns subjected to different lateral impact energy[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(6):1134. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.838)3区)

(68) He K, Chen Y*, Han SH. Experimental investigation of square stainless steel tubular stub columns after elevated temperatures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 159(8):397-414. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(69) He K, Chen Y *. Experimental investigation on stability of circular steel tubular stub columns at elevated temperatures under axial compression[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(6):1950063. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.957)3区)

(70) He K, Chen Y*, Xie WT. Test on axial compression performance of nano-silica concrete-filled angle steel reinforced GFRP tubular column[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2019, 8(1):523-538. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(71) Lin QJ, Chen Y*, Liu C. Mechanical properties of circular concrete filled stainless steel tube

stub columns after being exposed to freezing and thawing[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2019, 8(1):600-618. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(72) Zhuang CL, Chen Y*. Effect of Nano-SiO2 on concrete properties: a review[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2019, 8(1):562-572. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(73) Guo Z, Chen Y*. Experimental study on photocatalytic degradation efficiency of mixed crystal nano-TiO2 concrete[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2019, 8(1):590-612. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(74) Zhu QX, Chen Y*. Static behavior of X-joints with SHS chord and CHS braces[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 162(11):1-17. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(75) Wu LS, L ZH, Zhuang CL, Hu RH, Chen Y*. Mechanical Properties of Nano SiO2 and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete after Exposure to High Temperatures[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(3773):1-15. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.748)3区)

(76) Ye MY, Pan JH, Guo Z, Liu XY, Chen Y*. Effect of ball milling process on the photocatalytic performance of CdS/TiO2 composite[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2020, 9:558–567. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(77) He K, Chen Y*, Mei MJ. Study on influencing factors of photocatalytic performance of CdS/TiO2 nanocomposite concrete[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2020, 9:1160–1169.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(78) He K, Chen Y*. Experimental investigation of fire-exposed steel tubular stub columns wrapped with CFRP sheets[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 253:112807. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(79) Qiao HY, Chen Y*, Wang JP, Chen CW. Experimental study on beam-to-column connections with reduced beam section against progressive collapse[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 175:106358. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(80) Chen XX, Chen Y*. Experimental Study on Damage Identification of Nano-SiO2 Concrete Filled GFRP Tube Column Using Piezoceramic Transducers[J]. Sensors, 2020, 20:2883. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.847)3区)

(81) Qiao HY, Luo CS, Wei JP, Chen Y*. Progressive Collapse Analysis for Steel-Braced Frames Considering Vierendeel Action[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2020, 34(4):04020069. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.372)4区)

(82) Chen CW, Qiao HY, Wang JP, Chen Y*. Progressive collapse behavior of joints in steel moment frames involving reduced beam section[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 225:111297. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(83) He K, Chen Y*, Yan Y. Axial mechanical properties of concrete-filled GFRP tubular hollow composite columns[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 243(1):1-15. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(84) Guo Z, Chen Y*, Wang Y, Jiang MY. Experimental study on square concrete-filled double skin steel tubular short columns[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 156:107017. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(85) Guo Z, Chen Y*. Experimental study on compressive behavior of concrete-filled GFRP tubular stub columns after being subjected to acid corrosion[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 204:110048 (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(86) Yang X, Tang C, Chen Y*, Qiao TY. Compressive behavior of steel-reinforced concrete-filled square steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperature[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 204:110048. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)2区)

(87) He K, Zhang XY, Chen Y*. Research on vertical bearing capacity of circular concrete filled winding GFRP tubular columns after lateral impact[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 252:112753. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(88) Guo Z, Wang J, Chen Y*. Research on mechanical behavior of three-layer toughened sandwich glass with trilateral simple support[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 252:112738. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(89) Guo Z, Chen Y*. Investigation on flexural behavior of double-layer toughened sandwich glass with trilateral simple support[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 252:112783. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(90) He K, Chen Y*. Experimental study on mechanical properties of sandwich tempered glass unidirectional composite laminate[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 255:112980. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(91) He K, Chen Y*, and Wang J. Axial Mechanical Properties of Timber Columns Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles[J]. Journal of Renewable Materials, 2020, 8(8):969-992. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author)(IF=2.115)4区)

(92) He K, Chen Y*, and Wang J. Axial mechanical properties of small-diameter round timber short columns after exposure to elevated temperatures[J]. Wood Research, 2020, 65 (6):925-936. (Corresponding author)(IF=1.254)4区)

(93) Zhu Y, Chen Y*, Feng R. Flexural behavior of concrete-filled SHS and RHS aluminum alloy tubes strengthened with CFRP[J]. Composite Structures 2020, 238(1):1-23. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(94) Guo Z, Zhu QX, Wu WD, Chen Y*. Research on bond–slip performance between pultruded glass fiber-reinforced polymer tube and nano-CaCO3 concrete[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2020, 9:1-13.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)3区)

(95) Guo Z , Zhu Y , Chen Y*, Zhao Y .Test on residual ultimate strength of pultruded concrete-filled GFRP tubular short columns after lateral impact[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 260:113520.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(96) Ye MY, Guo Z, Chen CW, Chen Y*. Shaking table test study on seismic performance of UHPC rectangular hollow bridge pier[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 275:114435. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(97) Guo Z, Yang J, Li ZH, Chen Y*. Experimental investigation on hysteretic behavior of circular hollow steel tubular columns after lateral impacts[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 232:111861. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(98) Zhang XY, Lin X, Chen Y*. Study on mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced nano-concrete (SFRNC) after elevated temperature[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 268:113941. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(99) Guo Z, Zhuang CL, Li ZH, Chen Y*. Mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced concrete (CFRC) after exposure to high temperatures[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 256:113072. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)

(100) Guo Z, Li ZH, Chen Y*. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of double-layer toughened sandwich glass with two-side simple support[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 158:107154. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(101) Qiao HY, Pan JH, Chen Y, Pan JK. Behaviour of stub columns with initial crack defects under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 163:107736. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(102) Lin ST, Qiao HY, Wang JP, Shi JH, Chen Y*. Anti-collapse performance of steel frames with RWS connections under a column removal scenario[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 227 :111495. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(103) Guo Z, Li CK, Zhu QX, Chen Y*. Behavior of partially concrete-filled X-joints with CHS braces and SHS chord under axial compression[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021 184:106773(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(104) Guo Z, Xue XL, Ye MY, Chen Y*, Li ZH. Experimental research on pultruded concrete-filled GFRP tubular short columns externally strengthened with CFRP[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 255:112943. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(105) Kong WY, Huang YF, Guo Z, Zhang XY, Chen Y*. Experimental study on square hollow stainless steel tube trusses with three joint types and different brace widths under vertical loads[J]. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2021, 60:519–540. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.028)4区)

(106) Lin ST, Wang JP, Qiao HY, Chen Y*, Zhou Y. Performance of Steel Frames with Different Web Bolt Number and Arrangements in a Column-Loss Scenario[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2021, 147(10):04021150. (Corresponding author) (IF=3.858)3区)

(107) Zhang XY, Xia C, Chen Y*. Research on nano-concrete-filled steel tubular columns with end plates after lateral impact[J]. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2021, 60:553–566. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.028)4区)

(108) Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Ye MY. Research on square concrete filled GFRP tube columns strengthened with CFRP sheet[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 275:114407. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(109) Yang X, Li ZG, Chen Y*, Yang H. Performance of concrete encased steel stub columns after exposure to high temperatures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 87:106934. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(110) Lin Q, Xue XL, Guo Z, Zhao Y, Chen Y*. Test on shear behavior of less-tightened high-strength bolted connections[J]. Structures, 2021, 34:3622–3639. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.100)3区)

(111) Xue XL, Lin ST, Guo Z, Zhao Y, Lin Q, Chen Y*. Mechanical behavior of loose high-strength bolted connections with thin sheet steels[J]. Thin-Walled structures, 2021, 168:108281. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=5.881)1区)

(112) Zhang XY, Kong WY, Zhu Y, Zhu Y. Investigation on various section GFRP profile strengthening concrete-filled GFRP tubular columns[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 283:115055. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(113) Zhang XY, Xu ZJ, Zhu Y, Kong WY, Lin X, Zhang C, Chen Y*. Behavior of square pultruded GFRP tube filled with seawater and sea sand concrete beam[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 284:115183. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(114) Kong WY, Lin QJ, Zhang XY, Chen Y*. Test on axial compression performance of perforated welded H-shaped steel stub column[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 191:107191. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(115) Luo CS, Wang FX, Chen HY, Qi A, Chen Y*. Study on the hysteretic behavior of recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tube columns containing ferronickel slag[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 46:103695. (SCI, EI). (Corresponding author) (IF=7.144)2区)

(116) Zhang XY, Lin X, Sun LH, Lei YC, Chen JC, Lin HZ, Chen Y*. Double shear tests of high-strength steel bolted connections with reduced tightening[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 46:103842. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.144)2区)

(117) Qiao HY, Zhang MF, Liu ZG, Chen Y*, Qiu HS, Wang Z. Experimental investigation on square steel tubular columns with initial crack defects[J]. Structures, 2022, 35:388–405. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.100)3区)

(118) Chen YY, Chen Y*. Residual shearing strength of fillet weld connections after exposure to elevated temperature[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 188:107049. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(119) Qiao HY, Guo ZZ, Chen Y*. Experimental investigation of a substructure in a frame with castellated steel beams in case of a column loss[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 255:113926. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(120) Qiao HY, Xie XY, Chen Y*. Improvement of progressive collapse resistance for a steel frame system with beam–web opening[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 256:113995. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(121) Lin ST, Xue XL, Qiao HY, Chen Y*. Prediction model for catenary action of welded RWS connections using PVM link element[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 191:107207. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(122) Guo Z, Xu ZJ, Lin HZ, Zheng ZY, Su HJ, Chen JC, Chen Y*. Experimental tests of post-fire beam-column assemblies with WUF-B connections against progressive collapse[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 192:107249. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(123) Zhang XY, Cai SH, Wang ZH, Qiao HY, Lin GX, Wu XL, Chen Y*. Research on mechanical properties of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced cement-based composite after elevated temperature [J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 291:115584. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(124) Guo Z, Li ZH, Xing ZQ, Chen Y*, Zheng ZY, Lin GX. Numerical analyses of post-fire beam-column assemblies with WUF-B connections against progressive collapse [J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 140:106502. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.634)2区)

(125) Luo CS, Wang FX, Chen HY, Chen LB, Fu CJ, Chen Y*, Liao QL. Castellated steel beams under impact load[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 196:107394. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(126) Qiao HY, Xia J, Chen Y*, Chen CW, Zheng JH. A novel principle for improving collapse resistance of steel frame structures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 196:107408. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(127) Guo Z, Xing ZQ, Zhang H, Zhang HW, Chen L, Chen Y*, Chen CW, Zheng JH. Anti-collapse performance assessment of steel beam-column substructures with all-welded connections after exposure to fire[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 197:107465. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(128) Wu ZQ, Xu ZJ, Qiao HY, Chen Y*, Chen L, Chen WY. Study on anti-progressive collapse performance of assembled steel frame joints with Z-type cantilever beam splices [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 199:107593. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(129) Kong WY, Zhou WB, Chen LB, Liao QL, Zhu Y, Yu Chen*. Flexural performance of steel fiber reinforced concrete filled stainless steel tubular trusses [J]. Composite Structures, 2023, 303:116266. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.603)1区)

(130) Li ZH, Guo Z, Xing ZQ, Chen Y*, Chen L, Zhu B. Progressive collapse performance of beam-column joint with WUF-B-RW connection after high temperature [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 199:107602. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(131) Zheng H, Qiao HY, Chen Y*, Yang B, Zhu B, Lai LF. Study on anti-progressive collapse performance of cellular steel frames with different web opening shapes[J]. Structures, 2023, 47:338–357. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.100)3区)

(132) Yan Y, Xing ZQ, Chen XL, Xie Z, Zhang JW, Chen Y*. Axial compression performance of CFST columns reinforced by ultra-high-performance nano-concrete under long-term loading [J]. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2023, 12:20220537.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.848)2区)

(133) Qiao HY, Xie XY, Zheng JH, Xing ZQ, Chen Y*, Wei JP. Progressive collapse behavior of beam-to-column connections involving flange openings[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 284:115972. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.582)2区)

(134) MO RC, Chen LB*, Xing ZQ, Ye XB, Xiong CX, Liu CS, Yu Chen*. Bridge seismic fragility model based on support vector machine and relevance vector machine[J]. Structures, 2023, 52:768-778. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.100)3区)

(135) Zhang XY, Nie RJ, Zhang CL, Sun SY, Chen Y*, Chen W. Behavior of frame-corrugated steel plate shear wall structure under cyclic loading [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 210:108049. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(136) Lin YH, Nie RJ, Xing ZQ, Chen Y* , Zhang ZX, Shao YB, Chen W, Huang ZF. Experimental research on shear performance of frontal fillet weld with beading defects [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 210:108070. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.349)2区)

(137) Zhang WP, Xing ZQ, Huang ZH, Chen Y* , Shao YB, Chen W, Lin Q. Study on shear behavior of super-tightened high-strength bolted group connections [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76:107308. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=7.144)2区)

(138) Xing ZQ, Guo Y, Zhu Y, Chen LB, Chung KF, Chen Y*. Deterioration pattern of the axial compressive properties of steel-reinforced concrete columns owing to chloride salt erosion[J]. Engineering Structures, 2024, 313: 118169. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.555)1区)

(139) Kong W, Zhou L, Yang H, Huang ZQ, Chen W, Chen Y*. Research on lateral buckling of eccentrically compressed H-shaped section aluminum alloy perforated members[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 199: 111804. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.691)1区)

(140) Mo RC, Chen LB, Chen Y, Xiong CX, Zhang CL, Chen ZW, Lin E. Prediction and correlations estimation of seismic capacities of pier columns: extended Gaussian process regression models[J]. Structural Safety, 2024, 109: 102457. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.707)1区)

(141) Zhang CL, Dong HJ, Wang T, Li YF, Xu S, Que Y, Chen Y. Synthesis of organic layered double hydroxide from waste bischofite and its application on ageing resistance of asphalt[J]. Fuel, 2024, 359: 130395. (SCI, EI) (IF=6.653)1区)

(142) Chen LB, Mo RC, Chen Y, Guo Z, Zheng ZF. Investigation of Intraclass Correlation of Seismic Capacity for RC Bridge Piers Based on Hierarchical Model[J]. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2024, 10(3): 04024041. (SCI, EI) (IF=2.256)3区)

(143) Zhu Y, Xing ZQ, Zhang WP, Xiong CX, Chen Y*, Chen W, Jiang LZ. Behavior of longitudinal-seam steel tubular columns with crack defect in weld[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108286. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(144) Li XT, Lin YH, Yue ZC, Chen Y*. Axial compression behavior of steel reinforced concrete columns after chloride-induced corrosion[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108265. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(145) Kong WY, Yang H, Zhou L, Xing ZQ, Chen Y*, Chen W, Lin E. Study on stability of H-type section aluminum alloy perforated members under axial compression and eccentric compression around weak axis[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 195: 111533. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.691)1区)

(146) Zhu Y, Nie RJ, Cao JW, Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Chen W, Lin XQ. Behavior of square concrete-filled stainless steel tube columns after high-temperature sliding[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 211: 108160. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(147) Zhu Y, Zhang XY, Kong WY, Chen Y*, Chen W, Jiang LZ. Experimental and numerical investigations on shear behavior of high-strength bolted connections after impact[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 79: 107872. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.724)2区)

(148) Zhang CL, Li YF, Wang T, Song X, Ma HY, Fang L, Que Y, Chen Y. Multi-scale evaluation of sodium dodecyl sulfate intercalated LDHs on the ageing resistance of SBS modified bitumen[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 406: 133369. (SCI, EI) (IF=7.353)1区)

(149) Qiao HY, Xu HH, Zhang XY, Xing ZQ, Chen Y*, Tang E. Seismic performance of corrugated steel plate shear walls under various constraint conditions[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 192: 111189. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.691)1区)

(150) Zhu Y, Cai SH, Xu YY, Xiong CX, Zhang CL, Chen Y*, Chen W, Lin XZ. Experimental research on axial mechanical properties of circular CFSST columns after exposure to temperature and sliding[J] Structures, 2023, 57: 105210. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.863)2区)

(151) Zhang XY, Nie RJ, Zhu Y, Gang F, Chen Y*, Xing ZQ, Chen W. Test and numerical study of 7021-T6 high strength aluminum alloy anchor channel embedded in reinforced concrete structure[J] Structures, 2023, 57: 105137. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.863)2区)

(152) Zhang WP, Mao YY, Xing ZQ, Xu YY, Chen Y*, Chen W, Jiang XF. Axial compression behavior of square CFST short column with triangular-corner gap[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 80: 108046. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.724)2区)

(153) Ou JL, Shao YB, Huang C, Chen Y, Bi X. Flexural behavior of circular concrete filled steel tubular members strengthened by CFRP sheets[J]Structures, 2023, 55: 201-214. (SCI, EI) (IF=3.863)2区)

(154) Wu JH, Wang XJ, Zhou HY, Chen Y, Du XY, Wang YH, Zhang H. Blast resistance of ECC and composite slabs subjected to near-field explosion[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 189: 110885. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.691)1区)

(155) Zhou HY, Wu JH, Wang XJ, Chen Y, Du XL, Yu SJ. Performance of engineered cementitious composite (ECC) monolithic and composite slabs subjected to near-field blast[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 279: 115561. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.555)1区)

(156) Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Qiao HY, Kong WY, Zhang CL, Pan JH, Zhang WX. Investigation on hysteretic performance of assembled H-shaped steel frame-corrugated steel plate shear wall with different corrugated orientation and wavelength[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 77: 107473. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.724)2区)

(157) Xing ZQ, Zhu Y, Shao YB, Ma EL, Chung KF, Chen Y*. Experimental and numerical research on shear performance of GFRP bar reinforced seawater sea-sand concrete deep beams without stirrups[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 20: e03142. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.501)2区)

(158) Guo Z, Yang K, Xing ZQ, Nie ZH, Chen Y*. Experimental and numerical study on extended endplate beam-column joints after high temperature to resist progressive collapse[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 219: 108795. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(159) Xing ZQ, Zhu Y, Liu QG, Hui D, Chen Y*, Chen W. Experimental study on axial compression behavior of square pultruded GFRP tubular stub column[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 20: e03061. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.501)2区)

(160) Nie RJ, Chen YT, Xing ZQ, Chen LB, Yue ZC, Chen W, Chen Y, Chen L, Liu SP, Chen JC. Finite element analysis of deterioration of axial compression behavior of corroded steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns[J]. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2024, 63(1): 20230184. (SCI, EI) (IF=5.028)4区)

(161) Xiong CX, Xu YY, Xing ZQ, Tang WJ, Shao YB, Zhang X, Jiang XZ, Liu XY, Liu HW, Chen Y*, Chen W. Study on active earth pressure of narrow backfill of balance weight retaining wall under translational displacement mode[J]. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024, 18: 100430. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.162)2区)

(162) You XH, Xing ZQ, Jiang SW, Zhu Y, Lin YH, Qiu HS, Nie RJ, Yang JH, Hui D, Chen W, Chen Y. A review of research on aluminum alloy materials in structural engineering[J]. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024: 100319. (SCI, EI) (IF=6.2)2区)

(163) Zhang CL, Dong HJ, Wang T, Li YF, Xu S, Zheng YH, Que Y, Chen Y. Effect of different organic layered double hydroxides on the anti-aging property of bitumen[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 367: 130316. (SCI, EI) (IF=7.353)1区)

(164) Guo Z, Cai W, Nie ZH, Chen Y. Simplified analytical model for prediction of collapse resistance of restrained steel beam-column substructure exposed to fire[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 159: 108114. (SCI, EI) (IF=4.400)2区)

(165) Guo Z, Li GK, Nie ZH, Chen Y*. Component-based models of beam-column joints exposed to fire in steel framed structures against progressive collapse[J]. Engineering Structures, 2024, 304: 117645. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.555)1区)

(166) Chen SY, Zhang WP, Xu YY, Zhou XJ, Chen Y*, Chen W. Experimental study on the degradation of mechanical properties of H-shaped steel columns in the chloride salt environment[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 217: 108670. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(167) Zhang WP, Chen SY, Zhu Y, Liu SP, Chen W, Chen Y*. Experimental study on the axial compression behavior of circular steel tube short columns under coastal environmental corrosion[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 200: 111929. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.691)1区)(168) Xiong CX, Tang WJ, Xing ZQ, Zheng JH, Liu XY, Jiang XZ, Li X, Chen Y*. Active earth pressure of narrow cohesionless backfill on balance weight retaining walls rotating about the bottom[J].Structures, 2024, 67: 107039. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.863)2区)

(169) He K, He YH, Liu WH, Chen Y*. The impact of freeze-thaw cycles on compressive behavior of square CFST stub columns[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 217: 108670. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.007)2区)

(170) Xiong CX, Xu YY, Xing ZQ, Tang WJ, Shao YB, Zhang X, Jiang XZ, Liu YX, Liu HW, Chen Y*, Chen W. Study on active earth pressure of narrow backfill of balance weightretaining wall under translational displacement mode[J]. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024, 18: 100430. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.162)2区)

(171) Yang X, Wang JY, Chen Y*, Wu GC. Comparative study on the impact behaviors of CFWST columns reinforced with steel spiral and tube[J]. Composite Structures, 2024: 118408. (Corresponding author) (IF=6.335)2区)

(172) Li XT, Lin YH, Zhang CL, Chen Y*, Chen W, Geng L. Experimental study on interfacial bond-slip behavior of weathering steel and seawater sea-sand concrete in corrosive marine environments[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 201: 112003. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.691)1区)

173He K, Chen Y, Tang J, Li X. Post-fire bond-slip performance of concrete-filled stainless steel tube columns[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 204: 112275. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=6.4)1区)

174He K, He Y, Chen Y, Yang X, Tang C. Compressive performance of steel reinforced circular CFST stub columns after elevated temperatures[J]. Structures (Oxford), 2024, 64: 106637. (Corresponding author) (IF=4.1) 2区)

175He K, Hu S, Liu J, Miao Y, Tang J, Chen Y. Compressive performance of eccentrically double-cell concrete-filled circular steel tubular columns[J]. Journal of constructional steel research, 2024, 217: 108639. (SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.1)2区)

(176) Shen L, Gao H, Yang B, Chen Y, Mohamed Elchalakani. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Hexagonal UHPC-Filled Double-Skin Steel Tubular Columns under Combined Compression and Bending[J]. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2024, 150(8): 04024086 (IF=2.256) 1区)

(177) Guo YX, Xi F, Yang B, Kong DY, Shagea Alqawzai, Chen Y. Study of l-Shape Steel Beams Subjected to Combined Fire and Impact Loading and Failure Assessment Method[J] ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering,2024, 150(5): 04024028 (IF=2.256) 1区)

EI papers



3)陈誉,彭兴黔.空间KK型双弦杆圆钢管搭接节点有限元参数分析与极限承载力计算公式[J]建筑结构学报2007283):37-45(EI )



6)陈誉,唐菊梅.平面K型主圆支方钢管节点力学性能数值分析[J]工程力学2011.28(8):219-226. (EI)






12)陈誉,张钻湖.平面X型圆钢管混凝土节点平面外受弯性能试验研究[J]建筑结构学报.2012333): 39-47(EI)





17)陈誉,黄勇.焊接不锈钢方管混凝土短柱轴压性能试验研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2013342):113-118(EI)


19陈誉,王潮阳,郭晓颖,尹航,徐畅,郭秀泉 碳素方钢腹板屈曲性能试验研究[J]土木工程学报. 2015482):34-43(EI)

20)陈誉,黄勇. X圆管斜插板节点轴压性能试验研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2015363):90-97(EI)

21Chen XX, Chen Y*, He K, Fernando PG. Experimental investigations on web crippling failure modes of aluminum hollow and composite tubes. Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, 2018; 12(4): 299-322. (EI) (Corresponding author)

22沈小盛,张晓勇方焰何康陈誉*冻融循环后圆钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能试验研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2019405):105-114(EI)(通讯作者)

23 郭展,陈誉*不同冲击角度作用后的圆钢管柱滞回性能试验研究[J]土木工程学报. 20205311).(EI)(通讯作者)

24 郭展,陈誉*,何康基底摇摆隔震桥墩振动台试验与数值模拟研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2020416):38-48(EI)(通讯作者)

25)乔惠云,罗才松,马永超,陈誉*.钢框架结构在坠落块体撞击作用下的动力效应分析[J].振动与冲击, 2021, 40(05):8-15.(通讯作者)

26)陈誉,何康,陈灿文.局部荷载作用下钢化夹胶玻璃板极限承载力研究[J].土木工程学报, 2021, 54(4):68-78.

27郭展陈誉*李志慧.冲击荷载作用后圆钢管柱抗震性能与恢复力模型研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2022438):112-123(EI)(通讯作者)

28 熊传祥,张满,郭展,陈誉*h型支挡结构模型的实验研究[J]土木工程学报. 2022, 55(7):108-120(EI) (通讯作者)

29惠云许皓晖陈誉*魏建鹏张瀚武.考虑二次防御设计的钢框架抗连续倒塌研究[J]建筑结构学报. 2022(EI)(通讯作者)


(1) 一种混凝土预制箱梁快速起吊吊具(201710520176.3)

陈誉 何康

(2) 一种正交异性板U肋内部除锈防腐装置(201710808632.4)

陈誉 王力丹 张文学 李云开 贾建兴 张红

(3) 混凝土模板侧压力的折减系数测量装置及测量方法(201710751957.3)

陈誉 李云开 张文学 王力丹 贾建兴 张红

(4) 树状柱的偏心支撑结构(201810541702.9)

陈誉 顾宏伟 胡鹏兵 何康 张晓勇

(5) 一种再生混凝土组合柱及其制备方法(201810459393.0)

袁彬 陈誉 何康

(6) 一种作用在柱上的水平刚接加载装置(201910536419.1)

陈誉 杨航 冯刚

(7) 碳纤维海砂高性能混凝土材料及其制备方法(201910042974.9)

陈誉 皮涛 胡鹏兵 张晓勇 沈小盛 唐超 庄成龙

(8) 一种电缆支架(201910435671.3)

陈誉 林神通 王磊 胡鹏兵 冯刚

(9) 一种检测水平冲击荷载的装置(201910435526.5)

陈誉 叶梦雅 何康 冯刚

(10) 一种组合路面板结构(202010781944.2)

陈誉 葛蓓蓓 冯刚 赵阳 夏禄璟

(11) 一种钢板剪力墙(202010756017.5)

陈誉 李志慧 冯刚 孙琳皓

(12) 一种钢管混凝土柱(202010910164.3)

陈誉 李志慧 冯刚 孙琳皓

(13) 一种新型减震耗能器装置(202010910239.8)

陈誉 许智军 冯刚 赵阳 夏禄璟 陈灿文

(14) 一种用于桥梁顶推的临时墩(202010911868.2)

陈誉 孔文渊 王金鹏 薛筱蕾 叶梦雅 冯刚 陈灿文

(15) 一种带侧向支撑的开孔软钢阻尼器(2021010565954.7)

陈誉 郭毅 乐志诚 蒋署节

(16) 一种组合结构地下连续墙挖掘装置及其方法(202310938358.8)

陈誉 邢智权 夏昌 钱海波 聂仁杰 朱瑶 许源源 周世楠 施友诚

(17) 一种抗连续倒塌的节点子结构构件及其方法(202410003926.X)

邢智权 游晓寒 陈誉 姜少伟 章万鹏 丘华生 郭展 张平军 何康 等

(18) 一种钢-混凝土组合管结构施工封堵装置及其方法(202311270127.0)

邢智权 孙士远 陈誉 吴晓磊 张晓勇 李晓娟 孔文渊 陈力波 熊传祥 章灿林 等

(19) 一种UHPC加固钢管混凝土柱浇筑装置及其方法(202310738649.2)

邢智权 陈誉 夏昌 钱海波 章万鹏 林钰涵 孔文渊 许源源


[1] 中华人民共和国国家标准《钢结构设计标准》(GB 50017-2017)

[2] 工程建设协会标准《钢管结构技术规程》(CECS 280:2010)

[3] 福建省工程建设地方标准《福建省装配式建筑评价标准》(DBJ/T 13-426-2023)

[4]福建省工程建设地方标准《装配式钢结构基坑支护技术标准》(DBJ/T 13-437-2023)




何康  课题方向:高温后不锈钢管混凝土滑移性能试验研究


郭展  课题方向:火灾后钢框架倒塌性能试验研究


张晓勇  课题方向:波形钢板组合墙抗震性能试验研究


朱瑶  课题方向:地下钢板-泥浆碱激发混凝土组合结构墙试验研究


孔文渊  课题方向:装配式钢板混凝土剪力墙滞回性能试验研究

章万鹏  课题方向:地震后钢结构框架抗连续倒塌性能研究


林钰涵 课题方向:腐蚀后型钢混凝土柱地震易损性研究


张威威 课题方向:CFRP索空间张悬桁架抗连续倒塌性能研究





林智寰 张钻湖 刘飞飞


高胜伟 魏琳 吴颖


王江 陈栋芬 黄勇


陈涛 付立群 熊乐乐 阮先锋


王潮阳 王立鹏 龚文志 黄俊飞 徐杰 杨简


张晓天 颜琰 胡康 陈千


王凯 万骏


谢文涛 韩少华 周文博


张晓勇 皮涛 袁林 孙佳雨 袁彬 沈小盛


朱瑶 祝庆霞 时建伟 庄成龙 唐超 林庆捷 杨航 孙琳浩 潘吉柯 冯刚 顾宏伟 张满 操佳伟


陈灿文 林神通 王金鹏 周阳 林泉 赵阳 薛筱蕾 杨帆 毛依阳 夏禄璟 叶梦雅


方宇航 许智军 李志慧 郭毅 蒋署节 孔文渊 乐志诚 吴志强 郑涵


廖连香 陈思颖 师吉玉 王周华 蔡仕焓 刘庆安 张林洵 周亮


邢智权 黎学桐 吴予桐 周世楠 莫如淳


侯伟东 黄雷杰 陈博文 曾承超 郭泽宇 许文源 刘思怡 施友诚