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《Engineering Structures》期刊审稿人。




2012/04~2015/04,意大利特伦托大学 土木与力学结构系统工程专业 工学博士;

2009/09~2012/04,福州大学 桥梁与隧道工程专业 工学硕士;

2005/09~2009/06,福州大学 土木工程专业 工学学士。


2019/06-至今,加拿大28预测官网 ,副研究员;

2015/12~2019/06,加拿大28预测官网 ,助理研究员;


2018-2019,加拿大28预测官网 优秀新生班导师;

2016-2017,加拿大28预测官网 优秀新生班导师;










Huang Y.F., Mazzarolo E., Briseghella B., Zordan T., and Chen A.R. Experimental and numerical investigation of the static performance of innovative prefabricated high-strength composite columns, Engineering Structures, 2018, 159: 227-244. (SCI, IF=3.084, Q1区)

Huang Y.F., Mazzarolo E., Briseghella B., Zordan T., and Chen A.R. Experimental and numerical investigation of the cyclic behaviour of an innovative prefabricated beam-to-column joint, Engineering Structures, 2017, 150: 373-389. (SCI, IF=3.084, Q1区)

Huang Y.F., Briseghella B., Zordan T., Wu Q.X. and Chen B.C. Shaking table tests for the evaluation of the seismic performance of an innovative lightweight bridge with CFST composite truss girder and lattice pier, Engineering Structures, 2014, 75: 73-86. (SCI, IF=3.084, Q1区)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 陈康明. 钢管混凝土拱梁组合桥整体架设施工受力性能分析, 桥梁建设, 2018, 48(1): 32-36. (EI)

黄育凡, 范碧琨, 牟廷敏, 陈宝春. 干海子大桥地震响应分析, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2011, 43(S2): 349-352. (EI)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 袁辉辉, 陈宝春. 地震作用下钢管混凝土组合桁梁-格构墩轻型桥梁行车安全性分析, 公路交通科技, 2018, 35(11): 35-44. (CSCD, 中文核心)

黄育凡, 江越胜,吴庆雄, 林上顺. 钢混组合梁半整体桥设计与施工, 福州大学学报, 2018, 46(5): 693-699. (中文核心)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 袁辉辉. 钢管混凝土桁梁-格构墩轻型桥梁车振性能研究, 广西大学学报, 2018, 43(4): 1640-1650. (中文核心)

Yuan H.H., Wu Q.X., Huang Y.F., She Z.M. Experimental and theoretical studies on the seismic performance of CFST battened built-up column piers. Engineering Structures, 2020, 206: 110099. (SCI, IF=3.084, Q1区)

吴庆雄, 黄育凡, 陈宝春. 钢管混凝土组合桁梁-格构墩轻型梁桥非线性地震响应分析, 工程力学, 2015, 32(12): 90-98. (EI)

吴庆雄, 黄育凡, 陈宝春. 钢管混凝土组合桁梁-格构墩轻型桥梁振动台阵试验研究,工程力学, 2014, 31(9): 89-96. (EI)

吴庆雄, 刘钰薇, 江越胜, 黄育凡, 陈宝春. 墩梁半刚性连接的钢-混组合梁整体桥设计, 桥梁建设, 2019, 49(1): 101-106. (EI)

吴庆雄, 佘智敏, 袁辉辉, 黄育凡. 钢管混凝土箱型叠合超高墩设计与静力性能分析, 桥梁建设, 2019, 49(6): 84-89. (EI)

Huang Y.F., Briseghella B., Nuti C., Innovative Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, UKIERI Concrete Congress-Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, 2015.11.02-05, Jalandhar, India.

Huang Y.F., Briseghella B., Zordan T., Wu Q.X. and Chen B.C., Seismic Analysis of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Bridge, 37th IABSE International Symposium, 2014.09.03-05, Madrid, Spain.

Huang Y.F., Briseghella B., Zordan T., Wu Q.X. and Chen B.C., Seismic Performance of an Innovative Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Bridge, Istanbul Bridge Conference, 2014.08.11-13, Istanbul, Turkey.

Huang Y.F., Briseghella B., Liu C.S., Wu Q.X. and Chen B.C., Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of a Continuous Bridge with CFST Composite Truss Girder and Lattice High Pier, 7th National Seismic Conference on Bridges & Highways, 2013.05.20-22, Okaland, USA.

Huang Y.F., Wu Q.X., Chen B.C. and Briseghella B., Seismic Analysis of a Rigid Frame Continuous CFST Truss Girder Bridge with Composite Piers, 5th International Conference on New Dimensions in Bridges, Flyovers, Overpasses & Elevated Structures, 2012.07.28-29, Wuyishan, Fujian, China.

Briseghella B., Zodan T., Chen B.C., Xue J.Q. and Huang Y.F. Steel Arch Bridges in China, 24th Italian National Steel Conference, 2013.09.30-10.01, Torino, Italy.

Zordan T., Xue J.Q., Huang Y.F. and Briseghella B., Italian Road Administration Strategy to Retrofit Existing Bridges Using IABs Technology, 1st International Conference of Jointless bridge, 2014.03.11-12, Fuzhou, Fujian, China.

Davide Lavorato, Jiajie Wu, Yufan Huang, Junqing Xue, Bruno Briseghella, Camillo Nuti, New Solution for Rapid Repair and Retrofit of RC Bridge Pier, XII International Conference on Structural Repair and Rehabilitation, 2016.10.26-29, Porto, Portugal.

D. Lavorato, A.V. Bergami, C. Nuti, B. Briseghella, A. M. Tarantino, S. Santini, Y.F. Huang, J.Q. Xue, Seismic Damaged Chinese RC Bridges Repaired and Retrofitted by Rapid Intervention to Improve Plastic Dissipation and Shear Strength, 16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE2017, 2017.01.09-13, Santiago, Chile.

马盛, 薛俊青, Bruno Briseghlla, 陈宝春, Miguel Walter Munoz Machicao, 黄育凡, 福建某整体桥极限长度研究, 第25届全国结构工程学术会议, 2016.08.12-14, 包头, 内蒙古, 中国.


黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 袁辉辉, 陈康明. 一种既有简支空心板桥结构连续化构造及其施工方法[P]. CN109183633A, 2019-01-11. (发明专利)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 陈康明, 袁辉辉. 端横梁连结实现简支T型梁桥连续化的构造及其施工方法[P]. CN109183634A, 2019-01-11. (发明专利)

吴庆雄, 江越胜, 黄育凡, 熊峰伟. 不传递弯矩的半刚性墩梁连接构造与施工方法[P]. CN109183603A, 2019-01-11. (发明专利)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 袁辉辉, 陈康明. 一种既有简支空心板桥结构连续化构造[P]. CN209227402U, 2019-08-09. (实用新型专利)

黄育凡, 吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 陈康明, 袁辉辉. 端横梁连结实现简支T型梁桥连续化的构造[P]. CN209082348U, 2019-07-09. (实用新型专利)

吴庆雄, 江越胜, 黄育凡, 熊峰伟. 不传递弯矩的半刚性墩梁连接构造[P]. CN209082325U, 2019-07-09. (实用新型专利)


DBJ/T13-265-2017, 福建省城市无伸缩缝桥梁技术规程[S]. 福建省住房和城乡建设厅. 2017. 排名:6/15

DB13/T 2482-2017, 河北省公路无伸缩缝桥梁技术规程[S]. 河北省质量技术监督局. 2017. 排名:6/22

公路无伸缩缝桥梁技术规程[S](总校稿). 中国工程建设标准化协会. 2020.

公路桥梁无缝化改造技术规程[S](送审稿). 福建省质量技术监督局. 2020.





本科生课程:《有限元程序及结构软件》、《Statics》、《Engineering Mechanics 1》、《Engineering Mechanics 2》。