1. Lu L., Yang Z.*, Hong R., Briseghella B., Marano G.C. Effect of dry-wet cycling on NOx degradation and sterilization properties of cement mortar with g-C3N4/CoAl-LDH. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12(3): 113049. (影响因子:7.7,中科院2区)
2. Yang Z., Li K., Yan X., Wu W.*, Briseghella B., Marano G.C. Characterization and value-added applications of natural cellulose fibers derived from cow dung in cementitious composites. Cellulose, 2024, //doi.org/10.1007/s10570-024-05942-5. (影响因子:5.7,中科院1区)
3. Yang Z.*, Xiong X., Li K., Briseghella B., Marano G.C., Chen S. Long-term volume stability of ECC containing high-volume steel slag. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2024, 145: 105352. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
4. Chen S., Xiong X., Yang Z.*, Lin J., Zhang J., Briseghella B., Marano G.C. The microstructure and NOx degradation ability of alkali-activated steel slag-based pervious concrete doped with g-C3N4/CoAl-LDH. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 419: 135506. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
5. Yang Z., Dong S., Zhang Y*. Particle packing optimization and pore structure assessment of ternary cementitious system based on X-ray computed tomography and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 413: 134913. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
6. Xiong X., Xu J., Yang Z.*, Chen W., Zhang J., Marano, G.C. NOx degradation by cement mortar containing B-TiO2/MgAl-CLDH under visible light: Experimental and modeling. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12: 112548. (影响因子:7.7,中科院2区)
7. Zhang Y, Xu X, Wang Z, Yang Z.*, Qian R, Marano G.C. Nanoscale chloride diffusion in alkali-activated steel slag and ultrafine blast furnace slag considering the electrical double layer effect. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 88: 109234. (影响因子:7.144,中科院2区)
8. Sun J, Duan J*, Liu C, Liu X, Zhu Y, Zhai X, Zhang Y, Wang W, Yang Z, Hou B. Transparent and mechanically durable silicone/ZrO2 sol hybrid coating with enhanced antifouling properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 490: 151567. (影响因子:15.1,中科院1区)
9. Wen J., Li H*., Yang Z., Yang Z., Dong H. Damage evaluation of ballastless track concrete under high frequency flexural fatigue loading based on surface resistivity. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411: 134363. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
10. Li H., Dong H., Wen J., Yang Z., Yang Z., Huang F. Fracture behavior investigation of ballastless track of high-speed railway based on DIC technique. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 158: 107992.(影响因子:4.000,中科院2区)
11. Wang D., Gong Q., Luo S., Yang Z*. Effects of desalinated sea sand on the alkali–silica reaction of seawater and sea sand concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2024, 76 (7): 366-374.(影响因子:2.700,中科院4区)
12. 林元明, 林佳福, 熊晓立, 杨政险*. TiO2改性钢渣基透水混凝土的力学和NOx降解性能研究. 硅酸盐通报, 2024, 43 (01): 191-199.
13. Zhang Y., Fang Y., Shen Y., Yang Z.*, Wu K. Chloride penetration and binding behavior in unsaturated alkali-activated slag mortars. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 140: 105098. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
14. Xiong X., Yang Z.*, Yan X., Zhang Y., Dong S., Li K., Marano G.C. Mechanical properties and microstructure of engineered cementitious composites with high volume steel slag and GGBFS. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 398: 132512. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
15. Lu L., Yang Z.*, Li K., Zhang K., Yan X., Briseghella B., Marano G.C. Synergy of inert granite powder and active mineral admixture in manufactured sand mortar: The effect on mechanical properties, chloride permeability and water absorption properties. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 408: 133660. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
16. Lu L., Yang Z.*, Lin Y., Dong S. Partial replacement of manufactured sand with homologous granite powder in mortar: The effect on porosity and capillary water absorption. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 376: 131031. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
17. Lu L., Yang Z.*, Huang M., Xu J., Zhou J., Briseghella B., Marano G. C. Microstructural and mechanical properties of photocatalytic cement mortar with g-C3N4/CoAl-LDH nanoflowers. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 74: 106900. (影响因子:7.144,中科院2区)
18. Liu X., Yang Z.*, Li K., Briseghella B., Marano G.C., Xu, J. Visible light antibacterial potential of cement mortar incorporating Cu-ZnO/gC3N4 nanocomposites. RSC Advances, 2023, 13 (14): 9448-9456. (影响因子:4.036,中科院3区)
19. Li K., Yang Z.*, Yan X., Xu L., Briseghella B., Marano G. C. Effect of Modified cow dung fibers on strength and autogenous shrinkage of alkali-activated slag mortar. Materials, 2023, 16 (20): 6808. (影响因子:3.748,中科院3区)
20. Wang W., Xia B., Zhang Y., Wang N., Yang Z.*, Zhai X., Ju P. Oxygen vacancy-induced efficient photocatalytic antifouling activities of Bi5O7I microspheres on marine concrete. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2023, 181: 111539. (影响因子:4.383,中科院3区)
21. Lin J., Zhang Y., Yang Z*. A review of recent advances in alkali-activated materials from silica-rich wastes derived sodium silicate activators. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2023, 21 (3): 189-203. (影响因子:2.459,中科院4区)
22. Yang Z.*, Xu J., Wang W., Zhang Y., Yang L. Surface properties and de-polluting performance of a photocatalytic coating incorporating novel core@ shell nanospheres for cementitious substrate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 139: 105036. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
23. Wei Z., Chen B.*, Gu K., Yang Z. Study of untreated phosphogypsum as a fine aggregate for magnesium oxysulfate cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 365: 130040. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
24. Yang Z., Xiong X., Chen S., Briseghella B., Marano G. C., Zhang Y*. Effect of fineness on the hydration and microstructure of cementitious materials with high-volume steel slag and blast furnace slag. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 72: 106682. (影响因子:7.144,中科院2区)
25. Niu D., Zhang Z., Gao Y*., Li Y., Yang Z., Niu Y. Effect of pretreated cow dung fiber on rheological and fatigue properties of asphalt binder. Cellulose, 2023, 30 (6): 3773-3791. (影响因子:6.123,中科院2区)
26. Wang W., Ye Y., Li G., Yang Z.*, Duan J., Sun J., Yan Y. High-efficiency photocathodic protection performance of novel MnIn2S4/TiO2 n-n heterojunction films for Q235 carbon steel in chloride containing simulated concrete pore solution. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 941: 168957. (影响因子:6.371,中科院2区)
27. Cao W., Wang W.*, Yang Z., Wang W., Chen W., Wu K. Enhancing photocathodic protection performance by controlled synthesis of Bi/BiOBr/TiO2 NTAs Z-scheme heterojunction films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 960: 170675. (影响因子:6.371,中科院2区)
28. Yang Z., Xiong X., Yan X., Luo S., Zhang Y.*, Briseghella B., Marano G. C. NOx degradation ability of S-g-C3N4/MgAl-CLDH nanocomposite and its potential application in cement-based materials. RSC Advances, 2023, 13 (31): 21510-21520. (影响因子:4.036,中科院3区)
29. Niu D., Zhang Z., Meng J., Yang Z.*, Jing R. Surface modification of steel slag aggregate for engineering application in asphalt mixture. Buildings, 2023, 13 (1), 16. (影响因子:3.800,中科院3区)
30. 卢林, 杨政险*,陈兵, 张坤朝, 张勇. 花岗岩石粉对机制砂砂浆性能的影响. 混凝土, 2023, (11): 185-189.
31. 熊晓立, 杨政险*, 罗盛洋, 林佳福, 董世林. ECC路面面层的生命周期评价和成本分析. 硅酸盐通报,2023, 42 (11): 3927-3936.
32. 陈尚鸿, 林佳福, 杨政险*, 张勇, 熊晓立. 钢渣-矿渣透水混凝土力学性能的试验研究. 硅酸盐通报,2023, 42 (05): 1767-1777.
33. 张勇, 方宇迟, 徐轶扬, 夏雨, 杨政险*. 双电层对碱矿渣胶凝材料氯离子传输的影响.建筑材料学报, 2023, 26 (09): 949-954.
34. Zhang Y, Wu K, Yang Z.*, Ye G*. A reappraisal of the ink-bottle effect and pore structure of cementitious materials using intrusion-extrusion cyclic mercury porosimetry. Cement and Concrete Research, 2022, 161: 106942. (影响因子:11.958,中科院1区)
35. Xu J., Yang Z.*, Chen S., Wang W., Zhang Y. Compatibility and photocatalytic capacity of the novel core@shell nanospheres in cementitious composites. Catalysts, 2022,12,1574. (影响因子:4.501,中科院3区)
36. Huang M, Yang Z.*, Lu L, Xu J, Wang W, Yang C. The preparation of g-C3N4/CoAl-LDH composites and their depollution performance in cement mortars under UV-visible light. Catalysts, 2022, 12, 443. (影响因子:4.501,中科院3区)
37. Yang Z., Shi P., Zhang Y., Li Z*. Effect of superabsorbent polymer introduction on properties of alkali-activated slag mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 340: 127541. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
38. Fang L., Zhou J., Yang Z.*, Yuan Q., Que Y. Interaction between cement and asphalt emulsion and its influences on asphalt emulsion demulsification, cement hydration and rheology. Construction and Building Materials, 2022,329: 127220. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
39. Li K., Zhang Y. Lu L., Li Y., Yang Z.*, Niu Y.* Effect of pretreated cow dung fiber on mechanical and shrinkage properties of cementitious composites. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 375: 131374. (影响因子:11.072,中科院1区)
40. Xu J., Yang H. Yang Z.*, Huang M., Zhang Y., Yang C. The effect of TiO2@CoAl-LDH nanosphere on early hydration of cement and its photocatalytic depollution performance under UV-visible light. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 319: 126277. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
41. Yang Z., Shi P. Zhang Y., Li Z*. Influence of liquid-binder ratio on the performance of alkali-activated slag mortar with superabsorbent polymer. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 48: 103934. (影响因子:7.144,中科院2区)
42. 杨政险, 李慷, 张勇, 王艳, 牛荻涛. 天然植物纤维预处理方法对水泥基复合材料性能的影响研究进展. 硅酸盐学报, 2022, 50 (02): 522-532.
43. 张勇,方宇迟,沈颖, 杨政险*. 非饱和碱矿渣砂浆的氯离子传输试验研究. 建筑材料学报, 2022, 25 (12): 1219-1224.
44. Niu D., Xie X. Zhang Z., Niu Y., Yang Z.*. Influence of binary waste mixtures on road performance of asphalt and asphalt mixture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 298: 126842. (影响因子:11.072,中科院1区)
45. Li H., Wang Z., Sun R., Huang F., Yi Z., Yuan Z., Wen J., Lu L., Yang Z.*. Effect of different lithological stone powders on properties of cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289: 125820. (影响因子:11.072,中科院1区)
46. Wang W., Yang Z.*, Li G., Zhang Y., Cao W., Xu J., Zheng R. Drastic promotion of the photocathodic protection property of TiO2 nanotube films decorated with n-type CuInS2 nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 89: 161895. (影响因子:6.371,中科院2区)
47. Zhu S., Ji T., Niu D., Yang Z.*. Investigation of PEG/mixed metal oxides as a new form-stable phase change material for thermoregulation and improved UV ageing resistance of bitumen. RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 44903-44911. (影响因子:4.036,中科院3区)
48. Li H., Huang F., Yi Z., Wang Z., Zhang Y., Yang Z.*. Investigations of Mixing Technique on the Rheological Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10: 5189.(影响因子:2.474,中科院4区)
49. Li H., Sun D., Wang Z., Huang F., Yi Z., Yang Z. A Review on the Pumping Behavior of Modern Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2020, 18: 352-363. (影响因子:2.459,中科院4区)
50. Zhang Q., Ji T., Yang Z. Influence of different activators on microstructure and strength of alkali-activated nickel slag cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 235: 117449. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
51. Yang Y., Ji T.*, Yang Z., Zhang Y., Su W., Wu R., Wu Z. Efficiency and durability of g-C3N4-based coatings applied on mortar under peeling and washing trials. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 234: 117438. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
52. Zhang Y., Yang Z.*, Ye G*. Dependence of unsaturated chloride diffusion on the pore structure in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020, 127: 105919. (影响因子:11.958,中科院1区)
53. Zhang Y., Ye G., Yang Z.*. New insight into long-term chloride transport in unsaturated cementitious materials: Role of degree of water saturation. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238: 117677. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
54. Zhang Y., Ye G, Yang Z.*. Pore size dependent connectivity and ionic transport in saturated cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238: 117680. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
55. Zhuo W., Yan Q., Yang Z.*, Lin S., Lin K., He F. Chloride penetration in coastal concrete structures: Field investigation and model development. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019: 4537283. (影响因子:1.271,中科院4区)
56. Chen Y., Ji T., Yang Z.*, Zhan W., Zhang Y. Sustainable use of ferronickel slag in cementitious composites and the effect on chloride penetration resistance. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 240: 117969. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
57. Zhu S., Ji T., Yang B., Yang Z.* Preparation and characterization of PEG/surface-modified layered double hydroxides (LDHs) as a new shape-stabilized phase change material for thermal management. RSC Advances, 2019, 9 (41): 23435-23443. (影响因子:4.036,中科院3区)
58. Yang Y., Ji T., Su W., Yang B., Zhang Z., Yang Z.* Photocatalytic NO abatement and self-cleaning performance of cementitious composites with g-C3N4 nanosheets under visible light. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 225: 120-131. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
59. Xu Q., Ji T.*, Yang Z., Ye Y. Steel rebar corrosion in artificial reef concrete with sulphoaluminate cement, sea water and marine sand. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 227: 116685. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
60. Zheng X., Easa M.S., Yang Z., Ji T.*, Jiang Z. Life-cycle sustainability assessment of pavement maintenance alternatives: Methodology and case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 213: 659-672. (影响因子:11.072,中科院1区)
61. Zhang Y., Yang B., Yang Z.*, Ye G. Ink-bottle effect and pore size distribution of cementitious materials identified by pressurization–depressurization cycling mercury intrusion porosimetry. Materials, 2019, 12: 1454.(影响因子:3.748,中科院3区)
62. Zhang Y., Ouyang X.*, Yang Z.* Microstructure-based relative humidity in cementitious system due to self-desiccation. Materials, 2019, 12: 1214. (影响因子:3.748,中科院3区)
63. Niu D., Chen H., Kim R., Sheng Y., Geng J., Xiong R., Yang Z.* Damage assessment of asphalt concrete with composite additives at the FAM-coarse aggregate interfacial zone. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 198: 587-596. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
64. Xu Q., Ji T., Gao S., Yang Z.*, Wu N. Characteristics and applications of sugar cane bagasse ash waste in cementitious materials. Materials, 2019, 12 (1), 39. (影响因子:3.748,中科院3区)
65. Li W., Dong B., Yang Z., Xu J., Chen Q., Li H., Xing F., Jiang Z*. Recent advances in intrinsic self-healing cementitious materials. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30 (17): e1705679. (影响因子:32.086,中科院1区)
66. Yang Z., Zhang Y., Shi X. Impact of nanoclay and carbon microfiber in combating the deterioration of asphalt concrete by non-chloride deicers. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 160: 514-525. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
67. He J., Du S., Yang Z*., Shi X*. Laboratory investigation of graphene oxide suspension as a surface sealer for cementitious mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 162: 65-79. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
68. Yang Y., Ji T., Lin X., Chen C, Yang Z.*. Biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion resistance of new artificial reef concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 158: 33-41. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
69. Yang Z.*, Polder R., Mol J.M.C., Andrade, C. The effect of two types of modified mg-al hydrotalcites on reinforcement corrosion in cement mortar. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 100: 196-202. (影响因子:11.958,中科院1区)
70. Yang Z*, Polder R, Mol J.M.C., Modified hydrotalcites as chloride scavengers and inhibitor release agents for concrete application. HERON, 2017, 62 (2): 61-83.
71. Lv L., Zhang H., Schlangen E., Yang Z*., Xing F*. Experimental and numerical study of crack behaviour for capsules-based self-healing cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 156: 219-229. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
72. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Polder R. Laboratory investigation of the influence of two types of modified hydrotalcites on chloride ingress into cement mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2015, 58: 105-113. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
73. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Polder R. Synthesis and characterisation of modified hydrotalcites and their ion exchange characteristics in chloride-rich simulated concrete pore solution. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2014, 47 (3): 87-93. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
74. Yang Z.*, Hollar J., He X., Shi X. A self-healing cementitious composite using oil core/silica gel shell microcapsules. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2011, 33 (4): 506-512. (影响因子:10.500,中科院1区)
75. Lv L., Yang Z*., Chen G., Han N., Schlangen E., Zhu G., Xing F*. Synthesis and characterization of a new polymeric microcapsule and feasibility investigation in self-healing cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 105: 487-495. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
76. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Cerezo J., Mol J.M.C., Polder R. Modified hydrotalcites for improved corrosion protection of reinforcing steel in concrete--preparation, characterization and assessment in alkaline chloride solution. Materials and Corrosion, 2016, 67 (7): 721-738.(影响因子:1.832,中科院4区)
77. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Cerezo J., Mol J.M.C., Polder R. Aminobenzoate modified mg-al hydrotalcites as a novel smart additive of reinforced concrete for anticorrosion applications. Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 47: 1436-1443. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
78. Yang Z., Hollar J., Shi X. Surface-sulfonated polystyrene microspheres improve crack resistance of carbon microfiber-reinforced portland cement mortar. Journal of Materials Science, 2010, 45 (13): 3497-3505. (影响因子:4.682,中科院3区)
79. Yang Z., Shi X., Creighton A.T., Peterson M.M. Effect of styrene-butadiene rubber latex on the chloride permeability and microstructure of portland cement mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 2009, 23 (6): 2283-2290. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
80. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Polder R. Modified hydrotalcites as a new emerging class of smart additive of reinforced concrete for anti-corrosion applications: A literature review. Materials and Corrosion, 2013, 64 (12): 1066-1074. (影响因子:1.832,中科院4区)
81. Yang Z., Hollar J., Shi X., He X. Laboratory assessment of a self-healing cementitious composite. Transportation Research Record, 2010, 2142: 9-17.(影响因子:2.019,中科院4区)
82. Han B*., Yang Z.*, Shi X, Yu X. Transport properties of carbon-nanotube/cement composite. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (co-first author), 2013, 22 (1): 184-189.(影响因子:2.300,中科院4区)
83. Yang Z.*, Fischer H., Polder R. The Effect of modified hydrotalcites on mechanical properties and chloride penetration resistance in cement mortar. Key Engineering Materials, 2015 (629-630): 156-16.
84. Lv L., Schlangen E., Yang Z., Xing F. Micromechanical properties of a new polymeric microcapsule for self-healing cementitious materials. Materials, 2016, 9 (12), 1025. (影响因子:3.748,中科院3区)
85. Du S., Zhao H., Ge Y., Yang Z., Shi X. Laboratory investigation into the modification of transport properties of high volume fly ash mortar by chemical admixtures. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 29 (10): 04017184. (影响因子:3.651,中科院3区)
86. Shi X., Fortune K., Fay L., Smithlin R., Yang Z., Cross D., Wu J. Longevity of corrosion inhibitors and performance of anti-icingproductss after pavement application: A case study. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2012, (83-84): 89-97. (影响因子:4.427,中科院2区)
87. Shi X., Yang Z., Liu Y., Cross D. Strength and corrosion properties of portland cement mortar and concrete with mineral admixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25 (8): 3245-3256. (影响因子:7.693,中科院1区)
88. Shi X., Fay L., Peterson M.M., and Yang Z. Freeze-thaw damage and chemical change of a portland cement concrete in the presence of diluted deicers. Materials and Structures, 2010, 43 (7): 933-946. (影响因子:4.285,中科院3区)
89. Shi X., Yang Z., Nguyen T.A., Suo, Z., Avci, R., Song, S. An electrochemical and microstructural characterization of steel-mortar admixed with corrosion inhibitors. Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52 (1): 52-66.
90. Shi X., Fay L., Yang Z., Nguyen T.A., Liu Y. Corrosion of deicers to metals in transportation infrastructure: introduction and recent developments. Corrosion Reviews, 2009, 27 (1-2): 23-52. (影响因子:3.690,中科院4区)
91. Shi X., Akin M., Pan. T., Fay L., Liu Y., Yang Z. Deicer impacts on pavement materials: introduction and recent developments. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2009, 3: 16-27.
1. Yang Zhengxian, Hong R, Lu L, Cai S,Deng C. Detection method for determining content of chloride ions in marine sand, 2024, 美国, Patent Number:11940431
2. 杨政险,林佳福,卢林,陈尚鸿. 一种透水混凝土的流动性测试装置及其测试方法, 2023, ZL202211168389.1
3. 杨政险,陈柏全,卢林.一种磷酸激发粉煤灰胶凝型铁锈转化剂及其制备方法, 2023, ZL202111605740.4.
4. 杨政险,卢林,黄梦崖.一种具有光催化作用的人工粗骨料及其制备方法, 2022, ZL202110056394.2.
5. 杨政险,卢林,王文成. 一种抗菌水泥砂浆及其制备和应用方法, 2021, ZL202110056602.9.
6. 杨政险,卢林,张勇,郭婷. 一种抗菌粗骨料及其制备方法, 2021, ZL202110057180.7.
7. 杨政险,卢林,王文成. 一种抗菌水泥混凝土及其制备方法,2021,ZL202110056603.3.
8. 杨政险,卢林,王志远. 一种抗菌沥青混凝土及其制备方法,2021,ZL202110057202.X.
9. 杨政险,洪荣灿,卢林. 一种确定海砂中氯离子含量的检测方法,2020,ZL201910802795.0.
10. 杨政险,辛东升,林旭健.一种以石灰-碳酸钠为激发剂的单组份碱激发胶凝材料,2019,ZL201810045798.X.
11. 王心晨,杨政险,阳灿,卢林.一种含硼碳氮的光催化水泥砂浆及其制备方法, 2021, ZL202110055931.1.
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