The 1st International Symposium on Jointless Bridges will be held next year in Fuzhou, China, from May 12-13, 2016.
2015-11-17美国普渡大学Amit H. Varma 教授讲座:Modularization and Innovation Using Steel-plate Composite Walls
2015-10-15德国联邦材料研究和实验中心高级研究员Rosemarie Helmerich博士:土木工程无损检测系列讲座
2015-10-14美国Western Michigen University的邵晓芸博士讲座:Advanced Hybrid Simulation for Structural Seismic Performance Evaluation
2015-08-02俄罗斯国家科学院院士Folker. H. Wittmann教授讲座:Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Different Mechanisms as Function of Age of Concrete
2015-07-23美国联邦公路署颜文晖教授讲座The Bridge Design Technology Evolved and Development to Meet Tomorrow Challenges
2015-07-21加拿大女王大学首席教授Amir Fam教授讲座:An Overview of 20 Years of Research on Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes
2015-07-12意大利Prof. Angelo Marcello Tarantino, PhD .Luca Lanzoni,Prof. Ivo Vanzi讲座
2015-05-29国际无缝桥(IAJB)会议将于6月2日至6月5日加拿大28预测 举行
2015-05-28意大利La Sapienza大学Marco Menegotto教授讲座:"Evolution of the Structural Prefabrication in Europe and the Rule of Fib” and“Use of Prefabrication for Anti-Seismic Structures"
2015-05-13第九次“亚洲混凝土协会(ACF)可持续发展专题国际论坛将于4月20日在加拿大28预测 举行
2015-04-17The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering(ISISS-2015)