2017-12-14ACF 2018和UHPC2018-China 国际会议网站
2017-12-12德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学Karsten Körkemeyer教授莅临加拿大28预测 进行APS面试及交流访问
2017-10-24加拿大28预测 中加班第二届加拿大暑假课程学习班圆满结束
2017-07-24美国威斯康辛大学-密尔沃基Habib Tabatabai教授讲座:“Jointless Bridges - Design Aspects“ & ”Jointless Bridges - Maintenance and Durability Issues
2017-03-15美国W.Phillip Yen, Ph.D.,P.E. 讲座:“Emerging Technology for Bridge Seismic Design”
2017-03-02加拿大28预测官网 将与意大利高校联合培养土木工程博士研究生
2017-03-01Prof. Camillo Nuti 讲座:“Central Italy Earthquakes from August 24 to October 30, 2016, Signal Data and Damages”
2016-12-05Cristoforo Demartino 教授 讲座:“Deterministic and Probabilistic Assessment of the Minimum Structural Damping Required to Prevent Galloping of Dry and Wet Bridge Cables”
2016-12-05Prof. Camillo Nuti 讲座:“Central Italy Earthquakes from August 24 to October 30, 2016, Signal Data and Damages”
2016-12-05Giuseppe Quaranta 教授 讲座:“Smart Monitoring of Structures and Infrastructures”
2016-12-05美国W.Phillip Yen, Ph.D.,P.E. 讲座:“Accelerated Bridge Construction Technology and Applications in the US Transportation Infrastructures”