
Postdoctor Positions

发布:2018-03-19 21:21来源:暂无    点击数:

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of pre-fabricated concrete structures or

Structural health monitoring
-Directed by Prof. Shaofei Jiang
No. of available position: 1-2

Job responsibilities

1.Lab coordination, proposal writing, supervision of students

2.Performing research in the area of pre-fabricated concrete structures or structural

health monitoring

3.Two Publications of results in high rank journals


·PhD in Mechanical/Civil Engineering

·Background in at least one of the following areas: Composited structures and concrete structure, or structural health monitoring, big data processing and cloud computing

·Have experience with Ansys or ABAQUS or Matlab


Pretax income 12,000 ~ 15,000 RMB per month

Application materials and contacts

Please forward your CV via email to:

Prof. Shaofei Jiang[email protected]

College of Civil Engineering

Fuzhou University

2 Xue Yuan Road, University Town, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, P. R. CHINA