No. of available position: 1-2
The College of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou University invites applications for faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level. The College is open to applicants with a focus in any area of Civil Engineering, but is particularly interested in applicants whose work involves advanced technologies and numerical simulations, new materials and sustainable engineering.
A prominent goal of the strategic growth of the College of Civil Engineering at FZU is to build an international research and educational platform, so foreign applicants will be primarily considered.
The role is a full-time position.
Job responsibilities
1.Academic duties that include lecturing and administration of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programs
2.Conduct research and make applications for research funding
3.Publication of results in high rank journals
·Candidates should possess a Ph.D. degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or closely related fields at the time of appointment
·Be qualified to teach undergraduate and graduate engineering courses
·Candidates must have a superior record of scholarship and demonstrate a strong potential to develop an externally funded research group
·Younger than 35 years old
Pretax income 200,000~300,000 RMB per year
Application materials and contacts
Interested applicants should submit via email a single pdf with the following: a cover letter including a brief synopsis of your interests and career goals; a CV including research experience and publications; names and contact information for at least three professional references.
Prof Ting Zhang
Vice dean of the College of Civil Engineering
[email protected]