主讲嘉宾:楚剑 长江学者讲座教授
时间:2023年5月16日 10:00--12:00
主讲嘉宾简介:楚剑,教授、博士生导师,新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境学院院长,城市对策研究中心主任,长江学者讲座教授。曾任美国爱荷华州立大学( Iowa State University)终身讲席教授( James M. Hoover Chair Professor)、新加坡岩土工程学会会长和国际土力学和岩土工程学会( ISSMGE)“海岸岩土工程防灾减灾”技术委员会主席。现任ISSMGE“填海委员会”主席及“地基处理委员会”执行委员等多职。长期致力于土的工程性质、岩士试验、填海及软基加固技术的硏究。受邀在60多个国际会议上作主题或特邀报告,包括在2009年由SMGE委任在17届国际土力学和岩土工程大会上作发展水平报告。任Acta Geotechnical主缩, Biogeotechnics主编及 ASCE Journal of Materialsin Civil Engineering副主编。主持多项来自政府和企业的总计千多万美元研究经费的科研项目,并于2004年荣获加拿大岩上工程学会颁发的R.M.Quigley奖和2018年新加坡岩土工程学会颁发的杰出岩土工程师奖。
讲座介绍:Microbial geotechnologies can be classified into 4 categories:biocementation, bioclogging, biogas/biogel, and bioencapsulationBiocementation and biogas desaturation have been developed into methodsfor increasing the liquefaction resistance of sand. Among all the methods fomitigation of liquefaction, biogas desaturation is the most economical andenergy saving method. This method is also much simpler to be implementedas it involves only the injection of biosolution into sand layer. Biogelation isanother new method that has been developed by nanyang technologicalUniversity for mitigation of liquefaction. In this seminar, both the biogasdesaturation and biogelation methods will be introduced. Model testing datawill be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods. Othergeotechnical applications of the two methods such as for quicksand andseepage control will also be mentioned briefly.